The Escapists | S2E01 “Stalag Flucht Prison Camp!” | POW Day 1

The Escapists | S2E01 Let’s play The Escapists! In this episode, Pablo Punchwood finds himself at Stalag Flucht prison camp! This new prison is loosely based on Stalag Luft III POW camp in Germany during WW II which…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Oct 11th, 2014

20 Responses to “The Escapists | S2E01 “Stalag Flucht Prison Camp!” | POW Day 1”

  1. paulsoaresjr Says:
  2. SgtP4in Says:

    The Guards at that camp should have black uniforms to make them look a bit
    more like Nazis

  3. UberDubers22 Says:

    Just play without the crafting notes because, honestly it ruins the game if
    you can’t find the right note to beat the game, Just my 2 cents

  4. PLaZE Bullz Says:

    Hey Paul, what’s punchwood? is that your parents last name ? or just a IGN

  5. paulsoaresjr Says:

    My German accent is awful but “The Great Escape” update is gonna be

  6. -TruisticFrame- Says:

    walder and odell are guards! Hm, they must have been falsly accused… or
    they may just be disguising as guards at the Stalag Flucht so they can keep
    you safe.

  7. Levi Craze Says:

    Maybe this is a flash back where Odell and Walder were guards but assisted
    you with your escape because they knew you were innocent, but you all ended
    up getting caught years later and put in the first one… GAME THEORY! 

  8. Tyler Gorbett Says:

    Yes please use the wiki for the recipes, the role play is that this prison
    camp is for those who are avid escapees so making haphazard-prison tools
    should be common knowledge for the inmates there

  9. TheSm1327 Says:

    Did you look under the truck? That’s where Mew is!

  10. Edward Kenway Says:

    Not the best German accent I have ever heard but at least you tried

  11. Donutgames00 Says:

    Make sure to be friends with ur roomy!

  12. Max Smith Says:

    I don’t remember you escaping on the last episode…

  13. Giancarlo Erazo Says:

    If you want the Role Play aspect, then make it so Punchwood remembers the
    recipes. I mean, it’s only been a week. Also, you should become friends
    with Walder and take no favors against him and take all favors against

  14. Recneps34 Says:

    Walder and Odell both became guards how dare they!

  15. Kirt Gartner Says:

    i have an idea for a reason as to why Pablo is in prison he and his fellow
    “Prisoners” test how Escape proof the prisons are and they have to try and
    figure out a way to breakout like that one Stallone movie 

  16. GamingGuardian Says:

    What recording software do you use Paul 

  17. Generikb Says:

    Wow that was *so* nice of Docm to do your intro for you in this episode!

  18. XajakXx Says:

    Officer Levi eh? Well at least you’ll be safe from the titans.

  19. notyoure bisness Says:

    Pause since you like to use only you’re played knowledge and you are still
    punchwood. Then technically punch wood knows all this but he lost all his
    notes on how to build some of the more difficult stuff like sturdy/molten

  20. Slayerlord13 Says:

    I think you should stick with the story you’ve set up and as such Pablo
    Punchwood has already been in prison once and should already know a lot of

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