The Escapists | E14 “Exterior Wall!” | San Pancho | Day 14 (actual)

The Escapists | E14 Let’s play The Escapists! In this episode, Punchwood digs all the way to the outer-most wall! Escape is imminent! â-» Subscribe for more!…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Feb 1st, 2015

20 Responses to “The Escapists | E14 “Exterior Wall!” | San Pancho | Day 14 (actual)”

  1. TurtleLuigi Says:

    I nearly went GRAAAAH! When paul said lets not do it. Well looking at it
    realistically he dosen’t know what hes even looking for.

  2. mrdojob Says:

    You should step on the mine again. I swear if you step on it often enough
    It’ll get upset and walk away. Trust me.

  3. Matt Zimmerman Says:

    Try bringing a flashlight (if you can find one) otherwise I wonder if you
    could bury the landmine with dirt. That would be cool.

  4. Rippertear - HD Daily Gaming Videos Says:

    I dare you to talk to other characters in a guard outfit. It doesn’t cause
    more heat than regular. Also, you should keep the mold if making keys at
    95+ INT, or 20- STR.

  5. Ghost8919 Says:

    We should make a trade, Paul. You need wood, I have wood. An infinite
    supply accessible at any time of day. I need Duct Tape. You seem to be
    swimming in it, compared to me. So, do we have a deal? Wood for Duct Tape.
    5 to 1 trade. 5 wood for 1 duct tape.

    [YES] [NO] [MAYBE]

  6. You Tube Says:

    I’m curious to know what would happen if you beat up the Employment guy or
    the Infirmary guy, if they have some kind of special goodies

  7. thedom12 Says:

    paul u do realize its been about 1-3 months since u last did minecraft??
    and isnt this a minecraft channel *use to be* :(? the whole reason i sub to
    this channel is because u do minecraft and ur not rlly doing minecraft
    anymore so idk what to do now :-/ 

  8. Joshua Knapp Says:

    Paul, did you know that the doors don’t lock at Lights Out till you enter
    your room, so if you have everything set by Rollcall you don’t need the
    yellow key? Its a trick i knew a while ago, but it seems you don’t know
    it. All the other rooms would be unlocked as well.

  9. paulsoaresjr Says:
  10. Ferhad Semseddinli Says:

    Actually mine didnt blow at all. You cant remove a mine by wqlking on it.

  11. Alexmbcool Says:

    I just figured out that shaving cream works on the cameras. That helped me
    a lot to escape from the very hard prison.

  12. Thomas Wood Says:

    You should really look into getting a flashlight. it helps a lot

  13. learntoCOEXIST Says:

    18:28 I should grab my stripper stinger.
    Whatever that is it sounds interesting to say the least.

  14. George Cross Says:

    Paul, I am amazed how good you are at this game, I couldn’t survive a day
    at Sam Pancho without getting knocked out.

  15. Daniel M Says:

    Nice video, im surprised our power didn’t go out yet from that blizzard yet

  16. Cowfish55 Says:

    It’s like Minecraft with the amount he digs in this prison! (Not as much as
    Stalag Flucht though)

  17. David Guzman Says:

    Paul if you dig under the electric fence you will die because they still
    shock you under the fence

  18. Levi Craze Says:

    Remember Pablo when you escape makes sure to ring this number 505-842-4205
    using a pay phone and ask for the Hoover Max Extract Pressure Pro Model 60.
    This will keep you safe. #PabloNotGuilty 

  19. lets build Says:

    Paul the screen stopped at the end of your tunnel you just need to dig up
    and run!

  20. superduperbub Says:

    Uhh Paul , you do remember that you put a fake fence above ur cell door

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