The Escapists | E07 “Flirting with Disaster!” | Shankton State Pen | Day 7

The Escapists | E07 Let’s play The Escapists! In this episode, Punchwood sneaks onto the roof at night and tries to avoid the search lights! Escapists Playlist: Follow me on Steam!…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Jan 1st, 2015

20 Responses to “The Escapists | E07 “Flirting with Disaster!” | Shankton State Pen | Day 7”

  1. Donald Burr Says:

    You should add “Holes always lead to adventure!” to the speech file :)

  2. Kaye Yeo Says:

    Paulie you forgot the foil you stored away in the unoccupied desk! 

  3. Shade Miller Says:

    I think there should be a mechanic where there are times when the people
    you give stuff to for requests don’t pay and you have to beat them upf or
    it, kind of realistic, but yeah

  4. Keagan G Says:

    you forgot to go get the foil that was in the unoccupied desk also the shu
    is what people call salitary and after you escape this prison go start the
    next season the next day

  5. totalsoup Says:

    There’s a save option in the settings menu. Press escape, then settings
    and save… no idea why it’s in there but it is

  6. Sumirca Sparkle Says:

    It should be the purple key…

  7. wallyloc559 Says:

    IMO if you got caught then you should play the same day over and get caught
    again and lose everything…what a coincidence that you have time to play the
    same day over and not get caught but you don’t have time when you do get
    caught #smh 

  8. Diosdado Loleng Says:

    It my bday

  9. Thomas Wood Says:

    “Don’t use words, use your fists” But last episode was called “Use your
    words” xD

  10. RedstoneInMyBrain Says:

    What If the devs don’t uodate the game so it can save every night to annoy

  11. anthony orzechowski Says:

    on my first time at the first 10 minutes I was on day 30 with like no
    intelegent no speed no strength it was a long time ago I think I had like 2
    or 1 I don’t even know of my max health

  12. Slovenian_Gamer Says:

    It’s a good thing you started anew! Epic episode as always Paul! Really
    enjoying The Escapists series since I can’t afford it :( 

  13. Cave Johnson Says:

    Talking about the twilight zone Paul?
    Oh that was back in the day, I remember back then, you could watch a little
    Doctor Who, and then If you were lucky, The Twilight Zone was on, and then
    it was off to chop wood,
    I have to ask, did you ever watch Heehaw?

  14. Creeper_Ian02 Productions Says:

    If you look at the maintenance hall behind Paul’s cell at night, the lock
    on the door changed from orange to red, or at least that’s how it looked on
    my screen

  15. Punchwood Says:

    Guys! Come to my top secret youtube channel for a sneak peak of my new
    movie! Punchwood The Escapist! Coming Soon to 2015!

  16. Gabriel DeMatto Says:

    Peanut butter is
    Good like if u agree

  17. Nightfinder Says:

    Obviously the creator likes you; when going out of breakfast someone says
    “I’m a soarviver!”

  18. StarlucarioStar1 Says:

    You completely forgot about that foil that you stored away in that desk.

  19. SiegeKnightGaming Says:

    This game would be perfect for iOS 

  20. Nolan556 Says:

    To go with your idea about saving anywhere, why not add a chat list? When
    you open it up, it shows everything that all the guards & inmates have
    said. Or when you have a book, you can use it to gain intelligence, but it
    does have a durability.

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