Posts Tagged ‘options’
Minecraft Epic Farm Designs: Pumpkin/Melon
I decided to do a video showing off how Epic my “Simple” farm designs can really be. In this video I’ll be displaying a new, improved, and advanced Melon and Pumpkin farm. The farm design can easily be broken down into a single cell which can fit up to 30 pumpkins or melons while remaining simple, cost efficient, and fully automatic. This farm has a total of 25 Cells and gives so much produce that it causes massive lag if all 5 are activated at once. It also includes a “collect” feature, which uses an item elevator to bring the items to you, a “reroute” feature that sends the items to a different collection point, and a “fiery death” option which burns all the collected produce.
Tags: automatic, collection, control, design, elevator, epic, farm, item, melon, minecraft, options, panel, pistons, pumpkin, redstone
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012