Stranded Deep E22 “RESCUED! Sorta…” (1080p60 Gameplay / Walkthrough)

Stranded Deep E22 Let’s play Stranded Deep! In this episode, Punchwood returns to his home island and discovers his SOS signal has been changed by human hands! Who was it? What does it mean? Will they come …

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Mar 18th, 2015

20 Responses to “Stranded Deep E22 “RESCUED! Sorta…” (1080p60 Gameplay / Walkthrough)”

  1. Haley Spriggs Says:

    at the part where you said you had a feeling you were going to get rescued
    i was thinking “maybe hes going to get rescued and cut to man vs minecraft”
    but that didn’t happen ):

  2. Moose Games Says:

    360p OP

  3. Alexandre Côté Says:

    Like of you want more attack of the b team

  4. Deratina vids Says:

    I never really thought about it until now, but Pablo Punchwood has had
    quite the life. I wonder if anyone was interested in making a biography for
    him. XD Would be quite the read.

  5. jonny gat Says:

    it was the whale! the whale did it! i knew it you all thought i was crazy
    but it was the whale!

  6. jacob Whitney Says:

    17:17 “Look at Reggy jr, he is just full of vinegar right now!” Haha, I
    think you meant vigor Paul ;) btw, how in the world did you manage to get
    Reggy jr onto your roof? Did you throw him or something?

  7. ChronosPallas Says:

    I haven’t even found all the parts for one engine let alone two… the rich
    get richer xD

  8. Deadlylyon15 Says:

    wait… their was a game i remember that was a survival game that looked
    really good. It was set in a snowy area, with lot’s of scattered cabins.
    Wolfs would chase you down. You had to find clothes that would keep you
    warm better, stuff like that.

    Is that going to be the next series… it seemed pretty basic in terms of
    content. Wonder if they updated it, but i can’t remember the name of the
    game to check.

  9. william brandrick Says:

    First xD

  10. S Green Says:

    Is it actually possible to get saved

  11. Coldkill2001 Says:

    I think its kinda obvious who changed the SOS signal. ILLUMINATI! ( ͡° ͜ʖ

  12. Kailyn Dube Says:

    I really hope the next series is the long dark. Fingers crossed 

  13. Daniel Proffit Says:

    Im going to be that one annoying person say that i have the first comment

  14. Grizzlygaming88 Says:

    I loved the first 21 minutes of the video, especially the “kidnapping
    part”. But after that it was ruined. I loved this series and I wished you
    wouldn’t of explained everything that we knew at the end. Great video none
    the less

  15. paulsoaresjr Says:
  16. Ben B. Says:

    Was the island with the bigger base the original base?

  17. AssassinDwarfGaming Says:

    Under 301 club, HOW TOUGH. ARE YA!? I’m so tough I have 2 bottles of
    Mountain Dew in my room.

  18. [TCG] LunarSlayer Says:

    I love how comedically bad your role play is, but at the same time is one
    of the most immersive things ever

  19. Mr K Says:

    Is it possible to get rescued in the game at present?

  20. Magnus Mercury Says:

    I like the cross-game continuity; recurring characters are great. It was
    nice to see all three sharks make it into the finale!

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