Stranded Deep E21 “Two Motors!” (1080p60 Gameplay / Walkthrough)

Stranded Deep E21 Let’s play Stranded Deep! In this episode, Punchwood upgrades Reggie Jr with another motor but not without side-effects! â-» Subscribe for more! â-» My Stranded Deep…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Mar 14th, 2015

20 Responses to “Stranded Deep E21 “Two Motors!” (1080p60 Gameplay / Walkthrough)”

  1. Karnack Says:

    My vote: keep it going with updates.. maybe it’s less frequent, but don’t
    abandon it… do it ala your on-tap series games… These are a great way
    to learn gameplay a well as good entertainment.. possibly do long “update”
    episodes periodically? then once it’s stable start a series up again like
    with Starbound? My $0.02 on it.

  2. Astrogirl1usa Says:

    Paul, all that salt water has pickled your brain! :)

  3. paulsoaresjr Says:

    Reggie Jr is scarred for life… #baddad 

  4. stuart w Says:

    Why didn’t you stick the second motor on the diagonal, that is the only way
    it actually works, otherwise you end up only being able to refill one of
    the motors and you also go sinfully slow!

  5. Anna Bogen Says:

    I think you should’ve just put the second engine on another side of
    reggie… now you have two humping engines xD

  6. TheDawgMiner Says:

    Wonder if you had 2 motors set like it was around 7:58 and traveled with
    the raft in a 45 degree angle would work.

  7. TaliyahMC Says:

    I love this game, but maybe you will have to wait for an update to continue
    the series for much longer. I know I am probably going to get hate for
    this comment, but the game is pretty limited right now. Love your content

  8. ruin311 Says:

    The dev(s) need to add it where A.I. people can come in. A small chance
    where every time a plane comes over theres a chance of it crashing. If it
    does, theres a chance between 1-3 survivors. They can be neutral, mean to
    you, or nice to you.(also i mean like 5% chance of plane crashing!) Also
    make it where you can turn it on or off!

  9. Jason Carson Says:

    I think you should either come back to this after the next update or just
    flat out abandon the series. Either way, love whatever comes next the
    great Paul Soares Jr.

  10. Dr. Blocktapus Says:

    Paul, you aaked where you should go with this series. Well, DITCH IT FOR A
    MINECRAFT SERIES!!!!! I don’t understand why you have suddenly decided that
    you don’t want to play minecraft anymore. I mean, I get the whole don’t
    wanna be the minecraft guy thing but having ONE series that is related to
    minecraft is not going to make you that. Your channel art and you thanks
    for watching outro are both minecraft related aswell. And I am disappointed
    with the way you said you would do another minecraft series in janurary and
    now, over 2 months later nothing has been done about it!
    Remember you roots paul, REMEMBER YOUR ROOTS!!!!

  11. Liam Bradford Says:

    In a comment asked by me, You said Pablo first appeared in Minecraft.
    However, The Paul Soares Wiki states that he chronological appeared in The

  12. Coffeehound Says:

    I’m going to have to agree with you – there really isn’t much left to do in
    this game until they do a content update. Might as well move on to another
    series for a bit until then.

  13. Levi Campbell Says:

    Parenting with PSJ! How hard is it being a parent IRL?

  14. Kael Thor Says:

    What to do with this series: Either wait until there is more to do, build a
    really big house with several stories and perhaps try and gather every type
    of loot in the game to really stock up your house. Those are my
    suggestions, off the top of my head.

  15. Parker Craft Says:

    This is a great game, although it is getting very repetitive for almost
    every episode. You could do what you do with subnautica and play when there
    are updates and things like that. 

  16. paulsoaresjr Says:
  17. Grizzlygaming88 Says:

    Try making a permanent shelter. Like a big house, with all the useful gear
    you’ve collected so far and stash it there. Have lanterns & items on beds
    to act like tables ect

  18. Jaden Walker Says:

    that looks wrong or is it just me me but i think the second one is humping
    the other

  19. Adam Boyd Says:

    Paul you should do a series like you used to do. I don’t know how to
    explain it but you acted like you were trying to survive and this would be
    a perfect game for it. 

  20. StormyLaura H Says:

    I’m really enjoying this Let’s Play, but I agree there doesn’t seem to be
    much left to the game.

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