Starbound – Snow Planet! (1080p/60)

Starbound - Snow Planet! (1080p/60)Let’s play Starbound “Unstable” build! In this episode, we dig for rubium, violium, and aegisalt ores on a snow planet in a frozen star system! Wait till you see my Monkey Nut Staff! â-» Subscribe…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Jan 14th, 2015

20 Responses to “Starbound – Snow Planet! (1080p/60)”

  1. Whitestar_274 Says:

    Hi, Paul. Question, I play the “unstable” version as well and I can’t seem
    to craft the Distress Beacon (not in the crafting list), how did you get

  2. Jason Goatcher Says:

    Judging from my Runescape game, a monkey nut is a food preferred by
    monkeys, probably plant or tree based. Definitely not a testicle. :)

  3. Jonathon Lawson Says:

    if you beat all the quests before the update, can you still do the new
    ones? or do you need to make a new character?

  4. Maximilian Bernard Says:

    Heh, the Ice King would love this place! ;)

  5. Patrick Gilreath Says:

    Is it just me, or does the Accelerator’s Table kinda look like the old
    TARDIS console? 

  6. Jake Scratch Says:

    Love your vids Paul! You’re one of my favorite YouTuebers! Great sense of
    humor, amazing games, and incredible content quality really shows how
    dedicated you are to making all your fans happy! :D

  7. Giancarlo Erazo Says:

    Under 301+ club, how tough are you?

  8. Blazewoow Says:

    someone help

  9. Mr K Says:

    These ice planets look cool and that’s snow joke.

  10. AmselGaming Says:

    Hey peeps/guys, I have always had a goal, which is to become a Youtuber. I
    upload every day and my videos just never get noticed. I know so many
    people post these, and its annoying. But please just give a single chance
    to prove to you I have potential. All I want is some feedback from you
    guys, thanks!

  11. Deann Kirkland Says:

    I’ve been trying to download the unstable update on steam and it has been
    finishing then saying its will launch in 7 seconds and then it restarts the
    whole 30 minute process, should I wait for unstable to come to stable? Or
    try again

  12. Hunterr4408 Says:

    But Paul! The #1 rule is “Never dig straight down!” xD 5:24

  13. Levi Campbell Says:

    Hi, Paul! What version are you playing? Nightly? Unstable? Stable?

  14. MC backup Says:

    Hey paul when I play the game I can’t upgrade my ship to a bigger version
    and I also don’t have that gun in the machine on my ship please reply I
    need help Thanks!

  15. paulsoaresjr Says:

    Monkey Nut Staff FTW!

  16. NaelisSimmer Says:

    Like I’m not cold enough now, you had to take us to an ice planet! Fun
    episode, Paul!

  17. Anthony Z. Says:

    Will you be doing a lets play of the game after the next big release? I’d
    love to see it

  18. Flaming Monocle Says:

    I was trying to think of a pun to add here but my mind’s a blank. If you
    could use your infinite imagination and imagine I said something vastly
    amusing – that would make my day. ಠ_ರೃ

  19. Will Powell Says:

    the accelerator is the console from the tardis

  20. Jack Rollins Says:


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