Starbound | E03 “Outpost!” (1080p/60)

Starbound | E03 Let’s play Starbound Beta! In this episode, Sheriff McShooty visits the Outpost and helps a lady with a Bug Hunt! â-» Subscribe for more! â-» Starbound playlist: http://bit.l…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Feb 4th, 2015

20 Responses to “Starbound | E03 “Outpost!” (1080p/60)”

  1. Deryl Robson Says:

    Paul please more mc and mc dad and punch wood isle and lotr please!!!!

  2. AngelicSlayer23 Says:

    I started playing Starbound last night and I found a planet that had
    mushrooms for trees and had mushroom cities as well as chests. I also
    visited a desert planet and noticed on the ground a cleverly disguised
    chest that looks like the foliage on the planet so that was neat. Finally I
    discuvered when digging holes, Novakids emit faint light wherever they are
    and do not need torches unlessyou are looking for ore of course lol. The
    only downside is despite having a machine made for gaming, I tend to really
    lag and my framerate goes to crap whenever I am at the outpost :(

  3. Crististian Jay Gallo Says:

    more Stranded Deep plssss :D

  4. AJ and Wyatt Gamez Says:

    Paul you’ve been ignoring it but the patriots won the super bowl! 

  5. Mohamed Darwish Says:

    plz do more unturned canada map there is so many Easter eggs 

  6. TheDawgMiner Says:

    With the ability to place liquids into the world later on, it would be fun
    to make a coffee swimming pool lol

  7. Random Adam Says:

    +paulsoaresjr really enjoying this series so far and all the new things in
    Starbound. So happy you kept uploading before this stable update, for some
    reason my PC hated the nightly builds so I couldn’t play with the new
    things until now :-)

  8. Irene the Henherd Says:

    ‘[Bleep]-eating grin’ XD
    Why do they call it that, anyway? I sure wouldn’t smile if I’d been eating

  9. BurrowMonster Says:

    Can everyone please shut up about him not posting Minecraft vids? If you
    people don’t remember, Paulsoaresjr plays INDIE GAMES, and minecraft,
    having been bought by Microsoft, can no longer being considered one. Unlike
    those of you who have been whining about this topic on the comments
    section, I personally appreciate the variation and innovation in play
    though choices that his channel brings, and his willingness to try totally
    new games that no other YouTuber has heard of yet rather than sticking to a
    single one. Furthermore, Minecraft is OUTPLAYED, and in my personal
    opinion, it was ruined the second beta 1.8_01 came along. If there are any
    vids on Minecraft that I would ever want to see from this guy, they are the
    ones from that time that he’s ALREADY POSTED BEFORE that update and before
    the games immense popularity with children below the age of 10 (AKA the
    fall of trustworthy public multiplayer communities).

  10. TheSm1327 Says:

    Paul, if there are as many bugs as there are Pokémon, then you’ve got a
    loooooong way to go. 

  11. Michael Recto Says:

    Hey Paul! Since I see that you love open-world survival games, have you
    ever tried playing “Don’t Starve”? I’ve been browsing your videos and I
    haven’t seen any “Don’t Starve” game-play. I would love to see you play it.

  12. BMiBudz Says:

    paulsoaresjr you know i love your vids but lately your getting very very
    basic repetitive, which is a bit disappointing :( and you never say hi :P

  13. John Smith Says:

    Geez, only 301+ views and already people are asking “where is Minecraft?
    Gimme Minecraft. I need Minecraft.” Give him a break guys. It WILL happen.
    Just wait for it. If you can’t enjoy such fine games such as Starbound, The
    Escapists, ect. then watch someone else. Paul, if you are reading this, I’m
    enjoying Starbound and The Escapists very much and am looking forward to
    the episodes to come. Thanks for doing them.

  14. daniel sullivan Says:

    paul is so innocent he wont even say badass

  15. Mr K Says:

    You sure beetle the rest when it comes to bug catching. You need to bee
    pretty fly to catch ’em. 

  16. paulsoaresjr Says:
  17. Scott J Says:

    Thanks Paul! How did you get the train ship?

  18. Crooked Gaming Says:

    I’ve been trying to remember what this game was called for ages!!!! Knew it
    was something similar to Terraria xD

    The rest of this is going to be a promotion for my channel. Please stop
    reading if you dislike this.
    I’ve recently had to resort to this kind of promoting as Google adwords
    (the paid version of Youtube advertising) will NOT allow me to create
    adverts as apparently my videos are *too shocking*.
    I’m doing giveaways instead, this is my first one of hopefully many as
    Youtube encourages giveaways & commenting on other videos to help grow.
    I’ve made a video with information on the giveaway I’ll be hosting on my
    channel, If you feel you wish to partake then by all means come join :)
    I’m sorry if this offends anyone as this is frowned upon, I would like to
    give back to any support through this series of giveaways I’ll be hosting.
    Like this comment to show kind support? :) Otherwise keep scrolling and
    have a awesome day! :D

  19. Justsmile4442 Says:

    Do minecraft 

  20. Davsoto120 Says:

    Hey you have over 1mil subs you get less than 1/10 of 1mil views per vid…
    Whats up with that? And also what happened to “man vs minecraft”, minecraft
    vids in general?

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