Slime XP Farm – Minecraft LP #19

Slime XP Farm - Minecraft LP #19Small Slimes are the easiest mob to collect XP from because they only require one hit with no sword necessary. So, we’re finally going to connect our slime farm down in the mine to our base to an XP farm at the top. Enjoy! —————————————————————————— Texture Pack: (Customized) John Smith. My ‘How to edit your texture pack’ vid has the details/links:

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Filed under monkeyfarm : Comments (20) : Feb 15th, 2012

20 Responses to “Slime XP Farm – Minecraft LP #19”

  1. monkeyfarm Says:

    @widebk8 i have 3-4 slime videos… which part are you referring to?

  2. widebk8 Says:

    tut please and i just subed you! please make a tut

  3. davcraftable Says:

    I added an extra water level on the drowner and on top of that water some blocks, i made the spawnroom dark and now it works for monsters too. though sometimes the item drops on top of the slab…

  4. welogad0 Says:

    use jack o lanterns instead of glowstone. Slimes can’t spawn in glowstone

  5. monkeyfarm Says:

    @GamePhysics the open channel at the bottom of the drowner should only be a 1-block tall opening. if you’re getting medium slimes in there, you’ve missed some part of the design.

  6. kaboose87 Says:

    i have been watching my slimes spawn and somehow the slimes get stuck at the top of the ladder, and some get stuck in the spawning area, between the water and the signs. any idea of this?

  7. NAC0asasam Says:

    is this a multiplayer server if so can i join it cause im kinda lame at starting and stuff!

  8. monkeyfarm Says:

    @AmigosTheBand yeah seriously!

  9. monkeyfarm Says:

    @davcraftable sometimes it takes a while. slimes are more rare than the other mobs.

  10. davcraftable Says:

    how long do you have to wait for the slimes to spawn

  11. cbm2371 Says:

    he has a lot of spawners

  12. d34thst4lk3r Says:

    Awesome :D

  13. AmigosTheBand Says:

    Signs, Y U no stackable?

  14. monkeyfarm Says:

    @kaboose87 i dont think theres a maximum any more… however if the slimes bump into each other in the ladder, they can fall back down. So it’s good to break up the ladder areas into 15-20 blocks each, so they don’t drop all the way back down.

  15. ASCAB Says:

    My slime spawn extremely slow :(

  16. GamePhysics Says:

    Hello, i made my slimefarm just like your, but medium slimes go through, and they dont climb the ladders at the bottom! :( WHY?!?

  17. GamePhysics Says:

    @monkeyfarm I missed the halfslab, sorry for bothering you! :)

  18. s5a5n5d5e5r5 Says:

    @monkeyfarm mkay thanks!

  19. monkeyfarm Says:

    @welogad0 thx.

  20. kaboose87 Says:

    how many ladders do the slimes climb before it falls down?

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