Simcity Simtastic4 – 17 Coal Mining

Simcity Simtastic4 - 17 Coal MiningThe Simtastic 4 Biffa Docm Keralis Xisuma http:/…

Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Apr 9th, 2013

20 Responses to “Simcity Simtastic4 – 17 Coal Mining”

  1. Prodigy DaBest Says:

    Can you gift money between cities in this game?

  2. ojc321 Says:

    I’m liking the attention to detail

  3. Ratchet4647 Says:

    you should set aside an area for all your hq’s cus they’re big andthere a lot of things that come with them

  4. Ratchet4647 Says:

    you could put it on the avenue that has the trade depot

  5. Sacha Lemaigre Says:


  6. SuperVegan1 Says:

    He said he wont be doing Hermitcraft for a while…

  7. Mrlove2hide Says:

    you should be able to interact with your old city because where you were placing your clinic you also had the option to place a hospital and you need to upgrade your town hall and put a department of safety I believe.. that’s what I believe not sure if this is true but hope this helps!!

  8. LuminousDav Says:

    I heard that making a processor factory can make a lot of money could you make in your city

  9. j3ffr3y99 Says:

    xisuma I have a question. can you make some vids about playing your map called gold rush?

  10. Klustawh Says:

    Where is hermitcraft?

  11. Sf1TheOne Says:

    Are you doing this every other day now? Or is it still everyday?

  12. ryan nicholson Says:

    Where’s hermitcraft

  13. Sacha Lemaigre Says:

    its cheater speed

  14. ren42534 Says:


  15. mjame81 Says:

    when zoning your industrial zone 4 spaces at a time, it’s enough to build a factory on

  16. igryoo Says:

    wheres hermitcraft :(

  17. Joseph Palopoli Says:

    You should consider the wind direction for air pollution, pointing at your residential thats how health becomes a problem

  18. der51106 Says:

    hermitcraft please!

  19. Darkran Nexus Says:

    @Prodigy_DaBest yes you can gift

  20. mindlessstriker Says:

    xisuma:that costs 14,000 pounds
    me:you mean simoleons

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