Pulse Limiters [Redstone Circuit Spotlight]

Pulse Limiters [Redstone Circuit Spotlight]Howdy P.Noids, todays video is a circuit spotlight focusing on pulse limiters. I take you through a couple of designs and explain the basic logic behind the circuits. I then give you a few applications and gate combinations you can use with a pulse limiter! World Save: www.mediafire.com

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Filed under CNBMinecraft : Comments (20) : Feb 17th, 2012

20 Responses to “Pulse Limiters [Redstone Circuit Spotlight]”

  1. CNBMinecraft Says:

    @MeLikezToast Check 4:00 onwards in my RSNOR Latch Array video mate: /watch?v=zinw8QYOBLY
    The red circuit I build (not including the repeater that goes into the first latch) is an inverted pulse limiter; the output is always on until you input! Hope that helps :)

  2. NSFatBFH Says:

    Yeah, I needed this one (pulse limter) for my Binary adder for a long time (To stop it adding more than needed), so really thank you for explaining this!

  3. mrredstonemaster Says:

    CNB, what computer do you have?

  4. MrLegend139 Says:

    i know you dont use any technic packs or whatever but…

    for the last 3 days ive been trying to make a pulsing timer for a redstone engine

    basicaly i wont to be able to turn the circuit on and off as i wish, but when it is turned on i wont the pulse to allow the redstone engine to run 1 cycle then wait lets say 15 seconds and then do another cycle continuesly and then when i wont to turn it off, i can so by a lever

    is this possible, thumbs up so CNBMinecraft can see this please!! :)


  5. MrCofet Says:

    Thanks for making this!!

  6. phil538 Says:

    is a partnoid a combination of partner and hemorrhoid?

    Very clear explainations. Digging your vids.

  7. MeLikezToast Says:

    how would u use a pulse limiter on inverted signals.. like for a secret door which temporarily has to be opened so you can get trough?

  8. FlamingDragonite Says:

    i’ve been looking for something that extends how long the signal lasts for like a button or something and this is the first thing i’ve found, does this work with 1.0.0?

  9. Darkfirelover Says:

    can you do something like this but inverted?
    as in increasing the duration of a redstone current from a button

  10. pec25 Says:

    you putting this out there i think you and static should have a baby just a suggestion but what ever

  11. AxMswe Says:

    @joseph4445 It is four ticks not three.

  12. ssj3matenks Says:

    Finally! Someone who can explain this stuff in a way that I understand!

  13. Namelesswhirl Says:

    Why in the world is there a dislike?

  14. jacksoncorpus51 Says:

    Never stop saying hokai!

  15. kirillos24 Says:

    @CNBMinecraft @2:00 in older times, That was the repeater.

  16. sporemax7950 Says:

    what is the difference between the blue and pink stuff? what is the stuff?

  17. dark117 Says:

    So there’s a circuit that turns a button to a lever and a lever to a button? FUCK YEAH SCIENCE

  18. SirLettuce Says:

    please….please stop saying hokai

  19. torztxn Says:

    what are you saying after you say “so stay tuned”? it sounds like hot guy xD

  20. MeLikezToast Says:

    @CNBMinecraft Thnx alot, it really helped :) love your videos!

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