Pixel Piracy BETA 0.6.5 – Now with PETS and BOUNTIES!

Pixel Piracy BETA 0.6.5 - Now with PETS and BOUNTIES!Let’s take a look at Pixel Piracy! You can now catch animals for pets (e.g. parrots!) as well as hunt down criminals with the new bounty system! Steam Early Access: http://bit.ly/1frJ7oS Official…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : May 10th, 2014

20 Responses to “Pixel Piracy BETA 0.6.5 – Now with PETS and BOUNTIES!”

  1. Luke Lawson Says:


  2. Mr9madness Says:

    19:40 he wasn’t on board yet, so he died of loneliness

  3. MINDBENDERGaming | Road to 200! Says:


  4. Dilan Damme Says:

    Hey Paul, looking at all the games you are playing why not make your own?

  5. Pera Medina Says:

    Did it bother anyone else that Captain Russo at the beginning, in his bio,
    was referred to as an apothecary? Where I’m from that refers to the shop
    you buy the medicines from, not to the medicine maker themselves. Is this
    just a case of regional differences or a modern usage thing?

  6. Hayley T Says:

    hmmmm… the layout of this game is a lot like Terraria

  7. Rikudou Sennin Says:

    Did the food guy sell “Ramen Bowl”??? If so I would buy it. It tastes good,
    believe me

  8. cjpillinger Says:


  9. gameherosOFFICIAL Says:

    Hey paul! You should come check me out and give me some support. Im only a
    kid lol

  10. paulsoaresjr Says:
  11. D. Dejawon Says:

    Its sad that the pets don’t lose moral and you don’t need to feed them! :P
    waiting for that to get implanted 

  12. Seraphyx Says:

    I am slightly offended that you can’t collect poop and craft catapults or
    something to fling them at enemies (that I’ve seen anyway). I feel like
    that is a perfectly valid form of combat.

  13. Harry Wright Says:

    Congrats on 920,000 subs Paul, not far off 1 million now!

  14. Danman Gamer Says:

    plz do a series on this! like so he’ll see

  15. isaiah ramos Says:

    I wish you do a series on this

  16. TheBrownBomber Says:

    Nice to see some old games get attention! Great job Paul, keep making great

  17. Christopher Garry Says:

    I swear when I get my PCiI’m going to buy this game and as the lord is my
    witness iI will get all 24 crew members 

  18. Bryce Pinkerton Says:

    He said son of a biscuit eater Paul, my mom says it all the time

  19. zachary neil Says:

    There is a book that let’s u get a second life

  20. thedom12 Says:

    wow it just got uploaded when i whatched another video xD

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