Minecraft – Uncharted Territory 3: Episode 13

Minecraft - Uncharted Territory 3: Episode 13I’ve teamed up with Pause and Beef once again, this time we are taking on Uncharted Territory 3, a CTM map by Amlup. The goal is to find all 16 wool colors a…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Oct 15th, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft – Uncharted Territory 3: Episode 13”

  1. Eques Skyrim Says:

    Etho, it’s been a long time since you’ve played dvz. How come? Will you play again?

  2. avatarxs Says:

    Did they not realise the bucket method? with water and lava… *facepalm*

  3. UnashamedlyHentai Says:

    True, but they trade nicely with the azerians, or however it’s spelled.

  4. Calum Goodwin Says:

    But the trader trades the 1 Posionous for 4 baked

  5. MegaToxan Says:

    Which you can trade for 3 baked ones per poisonous one.

  6. Fost16 Says:

    Make sure to leave a like because he funny

  7. Doug Herrington Says:

    It is actually in English, it’s just that the facts weren’t straight.

  8. MyMoonzjEEE Says:


  9. Mitchell Lee Says:

    He was trying to get the guys to notice his shiny new chest plate sooo bad, but they wouldn’t have any of that.

  10. DEM APPLEZ Says:

    Amlup is the guy who made it

  11. MrUntti Says:

    ETHO you need to make new adjustments to the death games equipment: ANVIL OF JUSTICE :D yeah the text might say that “got crushed” and it might lose it’s name (don’t know to much about enchanting anymore) but yeah

  12. Samuel Smith Says:

    He didnt leave baked potatoes they were poisionous

  13. chuggaatrain Says:

    i remember this area solo, it sucked :(

  14. Eric Lefort Says:

    you should enchant your diamond chestplate with 30 levels

  15. metaKnightSpamer777 Says:

    replies broken. T_T

  16. ARN64 Says:

    You can trade poisonous potatoes for 3 baked potatoes at the trader…

  17. Luis Bonano Says:

    You can trade them for Baked Potatoes, have you watched the earlier episodes?

  18. Christopher Beswick Says:

    good guy etho gets in the enchantment at the end of the video so we arent left in too much suspense

  19. isaac tan Says:

    …which can be traded.

  20. metaKnightSpamer777 Says:

    i guess you didn’t watch it all…

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