Minecraft: THE END OF B-TEAM!? – Attack of the B-Team Modpack Ep.28

Minecraft: THE END OF B-TEAM!? - Attack of the B-Team Modpack Ep.28Last Ep: http://youtu.be/zQgBzlrCvqI In this episode of Minecraft Attack of the B-Team, Janson and Tyga Travel to the end to collect some End stone for their EPIC Staff! â-»â-»â-»http://bit.ly/Subs…

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Filed under MinecraftUniverse : Comments (20) : May 6th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft: THE END OF B-TEAM!? – Attack of the B-Team Modpack Ep.28”

  1. David Hathaway Says:

    #tyga if you could be a block in Minecraft what block would you be?

  2. Andrew Taylor Says:

    And a nether star for one more modifier ;)

  3. yinon Lalum Says:

    wtf way did you eat the YELOW MINTURE HARTE you cen make withe them yellow
    harte cenister the gives you a plose of your corent reguler harte cenister
    and originol hartes so wat the hell next time you kill a boss and he drops
    yellow miniture hartes donte eat them

    ps sorry about my english please donte coment about it

  4. chrigian1 Says:

    You should have take Mitch and jerome

  5. Sir Derpington Says:

    #TYIGA , which rockstar/singer do u like and why?

  6. Fv Hendriks Says:

    #djasun what would you chose… Never record anymore….. Or never go on
    vacation anymore

  7. Pierce Baur Says:

    Tyler do u want a lolipop

  8. gogo neelboy Says:

    What happened to double mod monday

  9. Lauri Reynolds Says:

    If you could have a mythical creature as your pet, what would it be????

  10. Ruben Sargsyan Says:

    The title scared me.

  11. louis edwards Says:

    #JASONNNN if you could create a mod what would it be?

  12. Fu Tianyi Says:

    #talour, what is your favourite celebrity 

  13. Ron Sagario Says:

    Son of Hermes is Luke from Percy Jackson means Tyga is the lightning thief

  14. edwinleechuanhao Says:

    Jason, you could sprint in the air!

  15. Kelsey Kinz Says:


  16. Zhion Cardoso Says:

    Tygah what popular girl do you like and would you marry her

  17. Ashlee Fisher Says:

    When I saw the Title, I was like Upset! I was afraid you’d have ended it!
    But, when I watched it I’m just like ‘Thank the Lords! Dear god! Don’t
    scare me like that again!’. Heheheh.

  18. Crazy Puertorian Says:

    #Tygaman what is our favorite Candy? Why?

  19. DeathRavenMC Says:

    I was afraid b team was off when I hear Jason said it phew

  20. Max Garmon Says:

    Tyga what do u want to accomplish in life and why?

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