Minecraft Tetris done in stop motion

Minecraft Tetris done in stop motionThis is our recreation of Tetris from the original Nintendo gameboy created using stopmotion. We hope you enjoy it and remember to check us out at www.minecrafta2z.net Our server is public IP a2zserver.net

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Filed under minecrafta2z : Comments (20) : Feb 13th, 2012

20 Responses to “Minecraft Tetris done in stop motion”

  1. KarloVtron Says:


  2. MineDude94 Says:


  3. TheXmanw Says:

    33 peopel is gonna get there ass kicked

  4. JD27076 Says:

    Tetris gives me a heart attack. 

  5. tj1990 Says:

    @Wifierz sorry to inform you…but you’re the only one left on youtube still leaving dumb ass irrelevant comments like this one…give it up

  6. jasonpoon01 Says:

    @tj1990 *cough* If you don’t like it then don’t watch it, its as simple as that…

  7. jimenezbeast2 Says:

    Amazing. Absolutly brilliant.

  8. 666KOEQJE666 Says:

    all hail minecrafta2z , he is our only lord and emperor!!

  9. SoCDeviant Says:

    I used to own that gameboy and that Tetris. So much nostalgia!

  10. guitarfreakizoid Says:

    now do skyrim

  11. KaikipBT7 Says:

    That was incredible! But god damn you suck at tetris.

  12. mrawsomefights Says:

    Man, they suck at tetris

  13. doomyman108 Says:

    MAN! These are the best graphics ive seen for minecraft!

  14. TheCalvinCheung Says:

    He’s not Asian xD

  15. Ac6476 Says:

    No your bad at tetris but still the Minecraft Stop Motion is awesomely Awesome!!!

  16. Leckck Says:

    You are so bad playing at tetris

  17. Coleslawed Says:

    but he cant play tetris for shit?

  18. assassian0601 Says:

    @KarloVtron dary

  19. Wifierz Says:

    33 Dislikers were crushed by stop-motion shapes

  20. KarloVtron Says:

    LEGEND…wait for it…..

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