Minecraft TerraFirmaCraft #34: Horsing Around

Minecraft TerraFirmaCraft #34: Horsing AroundMinecraft survival mod. In this Minecraft episode we finish building the garden shack, try out steel tools, and then go explore the south. TerraFirmaCraft Website: http://terrafirmacraft.com/index…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Sep 3rd, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft TerraFirmaCraft #34: Horsing Around”

  1. SuperpwrCreeper101 Says:

    so if a terrafirma craft month is 10 days and 12 months in a year so 120
    days in a terrafirma craft year then etho has been playing this for about 3
    terrafirma craft years right? So… 120*3 is 360 days in 3 terrafirma craft
    years and each day night cycle is 20 minutes but for the past half
    terrafirma craft year he got a bed so 300days will be * 20 and 60 * 10 ,
    and 300*20=6,000 + 60*10=600 so a rough estamite of how many minutes he has
    been playing is 6,600 and that in hours is…
    110 hours or about 9 days strait of terrafirma craft will be how long he
    had played it for, I expected more then 9 days…

  2. Dakota Wilkerson Says:

    hi hi hi hi hi hi i like saying hi

  3. PowerGamingMC5 Says:


  4. Emerald Daffodils Says:

    9:54 There is a few milliseconds difference, I counted. 

  5. Thomas Grant Says:

    every time I hear “Steel” it reminds me of my high school PE teacher :( 

  6. caphalor08 Says:

    cherry trees are amazing: one harvest is up to about 640 ounces

  7. anExplodingLemon Says:

    U should make ethos ranch 

  8. EthosLab Says:
  9. Ded Puhl Says:

    People these days… *sigh*
    When will they learn *Dislike* does *NOT* mean *Dis I Like* ?!

  10. The Starhawk101-Minecraft Gamer Says:

    Etho! You could have had a V8!

  11. YpCoProductions Says:

    Has anyone been counting how many times he said Terrafirmacraft, not only
    in this ep but throughout the whole series?

  12. fluffypoppenhoffer Says:

    Feb 2nd in game and IRL XD

  13. Video Maker Says:

    Etho I saw pumpkins in the vid why didn’t you collect them?

  14. Anthony Kaiser Says:

    Etho really wanted one of em horses to be a female I guess it gets lonely
    in Terra Firma Craft

  15. Ianer1420 Says:

    Theres a way to move items up in mincraft… You just need fences glass and
    water. Theres a video called things you might not know about minecraft that
    shows how to do it 

  16. TheScienceGuy120 Says:

    hey etho, you should build a bridge over the water and make a summer home
    somewhere near the equator. im talking about like the one you made to your
    forge hill from your island, but put over the ocean and with handrails.
    dont put it in the block below, but instead right above the ice for when it
    freezes. like so etho can see this, i think it would be cool.

  17. Much Doge Very Good Says:

    Let’s start a chain of random words I’ll start *first*

  18. Timothy Creed Says:

    I like refrigerators.

  19. digithacks Says:

    Haha, teachers at my school are on strike so my summer is still alive!
    Succas! ;D

  20. Mark Caponi Says:


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