Minecraft TerraFirmaCraft #17: Etho’s Adventures

Minecraft TerraFirmaCraft #17: Etho's AdventuresMinecraft survival mod. In this Minecraft episode we head out on an adventure to explore some more of our world. TerraFirmaCraft Website: http://terrafirmacraft.com/index.html TerraFirmaCraft…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Jun 23rd, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft TerraFirmaCraft #17: Etho’s Adventures”

  1. Shilag Says:

    Elderberries are real. Try grow on trees with tons of white flowers,
    normally. I’ve never had the berries themselves, but you can make a really
    awesome cordial from the flowers steeped with sugar and lemon in water.

  2. PaPaSea11 Says:

    Never watched much of this mod until now and wow this is crazy!

  3. Spikà Says:

    That death, I saw it comming. I saw there was something fishy with where
    you were standing. And sure enough. ded.

  4. Lots o Sheeps Says:

    According to Tiggy’s stream, you’re her sister!

  5. Mason Matlock Says:

    Hey, Etho, I believe it is pronounced “Bitch-(y)u-min-us Coal”. That’s how
    I’ve always heard it pronounced, at any rate. (though a google search tells
    me that American’s pronounce it “bit-oo-min-us”. As an American who has
    only ever heard it pronounced the other way, I call shenanigans on that. :p

  6. TechnoBear2099 Says:

    Awe Etho has never seen Monty Python and the Holy grail.
    One of the characters yells at Arthur “Your mother was hamster and your
    father smelled of Elderberrys!!”

  7. fitzremo Says:

    How and when did etho get the black bronze mace?

  8. Richard Liu Says:

    Dat rain tho

  9. EthosLab Says:
  10. DiamondHunter105 Says:

    ice in summer, you must be in england

  11. xXDerdude101Xx Says:

    Ugh, barely anyone uploaded anything today and I was SUPER bored and it is
    super hot here in Spain so didn’t want to go anywhere. Now, that I have to
    go to bed, Etho uploads one of my favourite series. Life..

  12. The Starhawk101-Minecraft Gamer Says:

    “your mother was a hamster, and you father smelled of elderberries!”
    -French Guy from Monty Python and the Holy Grail

  13. beastreef2 Says:

    RIP in piece

  14. crash979797 Says:

    Is there any downside to eating rotten food?

  15. JunkBot Tom Says:

    so what was bizarre about this episode?!?!

  16. minecraftkid309 Says:

    9:19 anybody notice the footage cut there?

  17. Isaac Gateno Says:

    Can someone plz direct me to a single video, any video where Etho curses?
    It’s such a rare opportunity I can’t miss out on

  18. Mark P Says:

    I know this is random but can someone explain thaumcraft to me i cant scan
    anything it tells me i cant understand it

  19. ThatDoctor7 Says:

    Etho died. Etwo took his place.

  20. golinie259 Says:

    thumbs up if u skipped the speach at end xD

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