Minecraft “Serious Talk” (Mindcrack, Paul Plays, Tutorials, etc)

Minecraft Caving and talking with answers to “What happened to [Insert Series Title Here]?” Intro & Outro made by TerasHD: http://www.youtube.com/ImTerasHD Background tracks by: Kevin Macleod @ http://inco…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : May 9th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft “Serious Talk” (Mindcrack, Paul Plays, Tutorials, etc)”

  1. FatSquirrel20 Says:

    Could this world be your 1.8 world?

  2. Dosage Says:

    Yeah. My dog’s in the process of getting the point to where he could die
    any day. Thanks for reminding me of that, Paul! That’s what I wanted to
    think about while watching a youtube video. Mhm.

  3. John H Foley Says:

    Dude I come to your channels for videos that irk me no end. Your attention
    span is worse than a gnat with ADHD. You do take some getting used to and I
    usually save up two or three videos to watch at once as watching them
    singly is quite painful for me.

    But seriously, I get wonderful ideas watching your videos due to your wild
    tangents. And it helps me to enjoy my own Minecraft worlds. Too bad you
    can’t persuade MCM to pop in on a video once in a while (though with your
    stated projects it would be difficult to explain her being there). I think
    she kept you on track for the most part and your interactions were greater
    than the sum of its parts. As long as the quality of your videos remains
    the same you can count on my returning.

  4. Ethan Martinez Says:

    What happened to survive and thrive? I loved that series.

  5. Tempblade Says:

    Thanks for the update and the sharing, Paul :) I’ve been a fan for a long
    time now and i’ll keep being a fan, and i agree with Lauri, as long as you
    also enjoy what you’re playing then it’s all good :o You have my support!

  6. Nightstalker Says:

    Next time just get to the point instead of making a 30minute video

  7. Fish in a Barrel Says:

    I totally get the issue of momentum. As a content creator of a different
    kind (photography), I need to maintain momentum on editing and post
    production, or I lose interest and find myself wanting to move onto the
    next project pretty quickly. In my case, I have to complete projects, but
    it’s almost an upside that you can quit something that’s not interesting to

    What people need to understand – if I may venture to speak for you – is
    that things like MWM, MCM, Punchwood Island and all your family videos are
    hard to make when you’re a dad with teenage kids, all of whom are growing
    up, and also running your own business. Teens lose interest, gain new ones
    and don’t want to play with dad any more, so people need to understand that
    you can’t force that.

    With things like S&T, there’s no more to teach other than redstone, which
    isn’t your thing. You’ve taught the fundamentals of how to survive and
    thrive, and until Mojang releases some new mechanic that needs covering,
    there’s nothing new to add.

    Keep up the great work, Paul. As an older gamer myself, I appreciate what
    you do and look forward to every video you put out. Though I certainly hope
    the ‘silly role play’ ones keep going. Hoodie is my favourite – I’d love to
    see an expansion on that with some of the other mechanics in the magic mod,
    or even the sequel to the mod. Or even the Witchery mod!

  8. KidAwesomeTwo Says:

    I am looking forward to following the upcoming Man vs Minecraft series. You
    can tell Paul is excited about it and I’ll bet it will be a fun ride to be
    on. Can’t wait. As another husband myself, I also enjoyed the Man and Woman
    versus Minecraft. They make a cute couple. I hope we get to see one of
    those from time to time (if she agrees, of course)

    Thanks Paul for making time for your viewers/subs while still balancing the
    rest (and very important parts) of your very busy life. We appreciate you
    and wish you and your family well.

  9. Xxminecraft-is-awesomexX Says:

    Pleas keep doing survive and thrive please!!!!

  10. Avery Thompson Says:

    paul, at least make a finale for each series to end D:

  11. Andrew Caryer Says:

    This was a great update on what’s happening and a great video for some
    important tips to new and upcoming youtubers

  12. James Ryan Says:

    To be honest, this entire video was pull talking to his mic like the
    audience is a MAX age of 12 coupled with some nostalgic vanilla MC where he
    aimless ran around.

    The gist of this video, for the mature audience, is that Paul is quitting
    some series (like Pixelmon) and basically instead of pestering him to
    remake them we should just “let it go”. I honestly think this is fair
    enough, it’s his channel, his call and his life and I don’t feel even
    slightly bitter. I am a little disturbed by they way you spoke in this
    video though, Paul. I understand you have a young audience but you beat
    around the bush and talked about “some creators” as if they weren’t you?
    Even when you were sharing you feelings? Almost as if you didn’t want to
    say anything blunt, would prefer a ‘softly softly’ approach so that you
    won’t be misunderstood. Unfortunately it came across as almost completely
    disingenuous, Paul.

    I’ve got a lot of respect for you man but next “serious talk” video you put
    out, just but honest. We don’t need long drawn out analogies so that you
    can tell us to get over it because “a lot of people” will bother you about
    it. This is a new age and we all feel the lack honesty. Just be straight up
    next time man, be organic. This felt so forced and ick. 

  13. Jose Vargas Says:

    WARNING …. Do not watch … This is depressing as s**t …. For some odd
    reason …. Sorry Paul :-(

  14. SirVekat Says:

    Well, since now you’re gonna record in your office again, does it mean you
    might be able to play future seasons of UHC more often?

  15. rodacjk44444 Says:

    Could you maybe do a last HU RAH for paul plays (show off all your favroite

  16. camaross92 Says:

    The way I look at it Paul is this…. I work 12 hour a day and when I come
    home I like to kick my boots off and watch you play… Been around since
    the beginning and don’t plan on leavin. So keep on keep in on dude. (:

  17. Ahmed Saad Says:

    wait did paul just leave half of the tree floatin in the air????????

  18. Stasia Doster Says:

    I am ecstatic to hear that Man vs. Minecraft is coming back! It is
    definitely my favorite series.

  19. Jordan Willis Says:

    Lets just set this straight. Survive and Thrive was no ones FAVORITE series

  20. Killer125922 Says:

    Lol 1:44 That’s why I love Paul xD

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