#Minecraft Redstone trivia game update

#Minecraft Redstone trivia game updateClick to sub:bit.ly ———-[You may also Like]——- How to Green screen in Minecraft www.youtube.com Amazing Piston Sandwave www.youtube.com ———-[Connect to MINECRAFTdotNET]———- 2ND CHANNEL:- www.youtube.com TWITTER :- twitter.com FACEBOOK :- www.facebook.com ———— Directors channel: www.youtube.com

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Filed under MINECRAFTdotNET : Comments (20) : Jun 15th, 2012

20 Responses to “#Minecraft Redstone trivia game update”

  1. lukelethalll Says:

    This is sick

  2. evenstephen1 Says:

    Thanks mate :)

  3. evenstephen1 Says:

    Thanks man :)

  4. fishirboy Says:

    Approaching Nirvana

  5. WreckedAsian Says:


  6. evenstephen1 Says:

    Essentially I have 2 ways of doing it, the character identity is stored as a binary 5 bit code and then I decode the character into its 5×5 output for the screen.

  7. 67morri67 Says:

    who made this, cna u link their channel

  8. metal50231 Says:

    Ok I dont really know what the use for this is, but it would be hilarious if this all went to a door

  9. evenstephen1 Says:

    Who’s that?

  10. evenstephen1 Says:

    I did, usually they link the maker in the description :)

  11. sohardhun Says:


  12. Gam3tipz Says:

    This server needs more players! it a Hardcore faction one! all go to mc.forgotten-war(DOT)com

  13. TheAussMinecraft Says:

    so, i know how binary numbers work, (on/off) (the simple stuff), to convert the numbers into letters, how would you do that, that’s where you lose me, do you just send the number down to those redstone torches, which then power on/off depending on the number, hence changing the letter? or is there a specific binary code for each letter?

  14. 67morri67 Says:

    cool expect a new subscriber!

  15. epicshinymew Says:

    in the desc. -.-

  16. Tob3ster97 Says:

    hes talking about the redstone

  17. TheDrumm1ngN1nja Says:

    I subbed to this channel just because of you.

  18. TheAlexosmith Says:

    for your lightning problem, there is a mod called” light out” that fix the problem, since this problem is there since the new anvil format. For very big map, like “the black Desert” from the super hostile map, it can happen that it dont work (for me at least), but since it’s only for your sliding text dark box, it should be ok and should run smootly

  19. clarketim1000 Says:

    Where is two awesome gamers!!!!

  20. evenstephen1 Says:

    I’ll look into it, thanks mate!

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