Minecraft: Platform Power

Minecraft: Platform PowerPlatform Power is a Minecraft PVP Game by The Jarren. I was invited to play with a bunch of other youtubers. This game is much fun! How To Play Platform Powe…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Nov 21st, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft: Platform Power”

  1. expected4unexpected Says:

    Xisuma you panic too much and your screen shakes. That’s bad. Would suggest
    timing attacks instead of spam clicking. I believe it works really well, or
    it does for me.

  2. Chad Bentley Says:

    they’re breaking the redstone to our redstone!

  3. Xaptrosity Says:

    oooh I wanna try this! :D

  4. BlazeThePolymath - Mechanically Minecraft Says:

    So happy for Jarren!

  5. Jarren Says:

    Really glad you liked the map! Thanks for coming!

  6. xisumavoid Says:

    Platform Power! A new and interesting PVP Game #minecraft #pvp

  7. Charles 3.14159 Says:

    Wow that looks like an awesome mini game.

  8. kidcat3000 Says:

    I love watching these, you should upload these more often :P

  9. BlazeThePolymath - Mechanically Minecraft Says:

    20:05 OMG!

  10. Risto Valtorez Says:

    Seth loves some redstone smh

  11. Sam Jaffe Says:

    if i was playing this game i would cheat and move the redstone block to the
    back and make all the stations have a infinite power by making a reapeter
    run into itself and put the bed up floating really high with lots of walls

  12. Tauqua Says:

    Theory: Youtube broke sub boxes to encourage you to use google+ so that
    they would see uploads accurately instead of just using google+ to comment
    because they had to

  13. Blk380 Says:

    What program(s) do you use for editing your video and creating your thumb

  14. TotallyGamerJet Says:

    Wow ten secounds ago there was 2 comments now 10!

  15. ZereFTW Says:

    Coolio! :)

  16. Andersfc1000 Says:

    i enjoyed this alot :)

  17. OfficialPirateFraser Says:

    great video

  18. TheGuru Says:

    Why just why Xisuma are you so amazing

  19. GrannyGamer1 Says:

    I was eating supper while watching this. I was twirling spaghetti with my
    fork. I was so nervous about what all was happening, I forgot what I was
    doing. When I looked @ my fork to take a bite, I’d rolled the entire pot of
    pasta onto the fork!

  20. DrAaronWeir Says:

    +xisumavoid you should all do Mindcrack vs Hermitcraft Platform Power
    matches like when you all did Cube Control ages ago

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