Minecraft Planetary Confinement #2 | BARRELS! – Vanilla Minecraft Mod Pack

Minecraft Planetary Confinement #2 | BARRELS! - Vanilla Minecraft Mod PackMinecraft Planetary Confinement #2 | SANDSTORMS & BARRELS! Welcome to Planetary Confinement. A Minecraft Mini-Series of an awesome 1.8 Vanilla Mod Pack for Minecraft! watch as TrueMU, …

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Filed under MinecraftUniverse : Comments (20) : Apr 14th, 2015

20 Responses to “Minecraft Planetary Confinement #2 | BARRELS! – Vanilla Minecraft Mod Pack”

  1. EmelexGamer11 Says:

    Im loving the series with you and Tyler Jason! Would love if you guys kept
    it going more frequently!

  2. Shawn Burnett Says:

    It’s like sky factory

  3. TNTxCREEPER Says:

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  4. NewAge Gaming Says:

    Love this series Jason, keep it up!

  5. Minecraft Universe | TrueMU - Minecraft Mods and More! Says:

    FIRST COMENT 8th view!

  7. ronald macgregor Says:

    The ammo really iSight expensive when you start sieving its ex

  8. Kid-Karnage Says:

    So this is kind of like Crash Landing 

  9. Quynh Nguyen Says:


  10. Catrina Lambert Says:

    This map makes me space core! WANNA GO TO SPACE YES PLEASE SPACE guess I
    just (puts on glasses) spaced out.

  11. TheMinecraftkido 123 Says:

    Minecraft universe can u make a video on how to make a awesome intro just
    like yours

  12. duck lock Says:

    hi dood watched 124 of your vids 2day favourite had to be attack of the b
    team series

  13. vanish Says:

    In sandstorms dig down 

  14. Rhi Bourbon Says:

    1. Get a load of zinc, iron and charcoal.
    2. Make 2 galvanised steel ingots.
    3. Make shears.
    4. Shear a tree.
    5. Use nine leaves to make Wet Foliage.
    6. Smelt in a furnace, then quickly change the fuel for a bucket.
    7. When the foliage has finished smelting, you will have a bucket of water.

  15. TheCraftMaster Says:

    These sound like based off actual mod items. Nice!

  16. MasterCrafterMC Says:


  17. Shawn Burnett Says:

    Your power is over 9000000000000000000 cause ur asousme

  18. Benny Lin Says:

    Nice keep it up!
    But could you continue on your minecraft story thing

  19. ComplicatedCow | Minecraft Minigames & More! Says:

    What should I do if I get a MILLION subscribers?!?

  20. Xirrow321 Says:

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