Minecraft Pixelmon – E10 “Geocaching with Chirpa!” (Pokemon Mod for Minecraft!)

Minecraft Pixelmon - E10 Minecraft Pixelmon mod multiplayer adventure! In this episode, Professor Paulm hides a geocache (ie hidden treasure) for ChiefChirpa! Discuss with me @ Punch…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Feb 11th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft Pixelmon – E10 “Geocaching with Chirpa!” (Pokemon Mod for Minecraft!)”

  1. Nightstalker Says:


  2. Ryan Deschamps Says:

    i have never heard a complaint about the lego movie (it has almost all of
    my fav actors!)
    but i dont want to see it because i use this website called rotten tomatos
    and i always dissagree with the critics and it got 95% liked. :P :( >:c

  3. NowLookRight Says:

    He was trying just a tad to hard to be funny…

  4. SuperShrooman Says:

    Wow we just had a lesson in school talking about geo caching :D

  5. Joe Koonce Says:

    Paul, you should get a special Pixelmon intro. You could do the word
    Pixelmon, coming out of a master ball.

  6. nico malmström Says:

    hey paul, you should have a soares gym where you have to beat all 3
    trainers(you, chief and jumbo)

  7. Matthew Hernandez Says:


  8. Kuzmora Says:

    Chirpas a bit of a twat

  9. Andrew Russel Says:

    I know chief is like 12.. But it’s funny when he said “your a bad speller”

  10. KC Fortin Says:

    I did do some geo cashing it was fun but when i started to play games i

  11. Temarion Robertson Says:

    I though you said chief cirpa was your son

  12. chong chen liang Says:

    paul you have way too much flying type in your team.maybe swap one or two
    out for rhydon,a grass type or a fire type

  13. Trixiehobbits Says:

    Hmmm 19:00 Paul went… Axe Crazy… *puts shades on*

  14. Sander van Kampen Says:

    U=turn’s mechanics aren’t working in pixelmon yet.

  15. Logetastic Says:

    Omastar Level 41 without fighting means the thing has no EV’s. (an EV is a
    hidden stat a pokemon gains by fighting other pokemon, which increase its
    own base stats, like a pokemon that fights fast pokemon will become faster
    than normal itself)

  16. TheMineMakes Says:

    Lego Movie. Everything is Awesome!

  17. daniel sullivan Says:

    hey paul what do you have to do to get your self on this whitelist??

  18. Miles Mosley-Jones Says:

    Best movie of the year

  19. Valen Warden Says:

    Omanyte and Omastar are based on ammonites(image that) which are related to
    Squids and Octopuses. NOT SNAILS D:

  20. BOSS Says:

    Paul chief should have a channel

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