Minecraft: Permanently Powered Redstone Lamp (Quick) Tutorial

Minecraft: Permanently Powered Redstone Lamp (Quick) TutorialQuick Tutorials â-» http://www.youtube.com/user/xisumavoid/videos?sort=dd&tag_id=UCU9pX8hKcrx06XfOB-VQLdw.3.quick-tutorials&view=46 This minecraft tutorial will show you how to create redstone…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Nov 25th, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft: Permanently Powered Redstone Lamp (Quick) Tutorial”

  1. madredmc Says:

    That’s a weird behaviour !

  2. legofan431 Says:

    this looks really nice! As I saw this video in my subbox, i got pretty
    excited since i thought there was no way of always powering a lamp. there
    once was a way with repeaters and pistons, but this is even simpler! Great
    tutorial Xisuma, as always! :D

  3. StealthyTNT Says:

    I found a little big with redstone dust that is permanently powered so you
    can’t see the redstone but you can see the redstone particles. However I
    believe they’ve fixed it now, also I don’t remember how to make it so I
    can’t test it out :/ Anyway thanks for letting me know about this new trick
    X :D

  4. Sumurai8 Says:

    Let’s see how powerful this google+ system is. +red3yz – Didn’t you need a
    discrete way of powering redstone lamps for your flower farm?

  5. RPGgrenade Says:

    This is not, I repeat, NOT a glitch of the arrows no longer despawning.
    This is a completely different thing. The arrow, while it’s in the block,
    if you press F3+B you’ll see the hitbox of the arrow is at the front and
    just barely tall enough to graze the pressure plate, pressure plates work
    by sensing entity hitboxes, teh stone one doesn’t work because they’re set
    to only sense mob hitboxes. The arrow is in a permanent state of “falling”
    because this only works with transparent blocks (I tried all kinds) but
    since it reacts to these types of blocks when it’s outside them, they
    usually just fall down afterwards, but since they’re transparent blocks
    it’s stuck as an entity like other mobs can’t be pushed by transparent
    blocks with pistons if there’s nowhere to go. And SINCE it is falling, it
    cannot despawn as it’s not in a “resting” stuck state on a block or the
    Also, you can do this if you place a wooden button on the opposite side of
    the redstone lamp.
    Finally, if you shoot these into glass, it makes a REALLY cool effect

  6. sl1pg8r Says:


  7. Jordan Severn Says:

    Can use it Xbox! Yippee!

  8. Blowitup64Gaming Says:

    Hey Xisuma this is so cool. Just the other day a friend talked to me about
    a wanting a infinite powered lamp without it taking a lot of room. Thanks
    for this awesome video! ….Lets get 2500 likes!!!

  9. GamePhysics Says:

    I saw this on reddit earlier today :D

  10. niki9742 Says:

    You can put the dispenser under the redstone lamp ,so the arrow will be
    only visible from above

  11. sladikk Says:

    MiniWolbus? I don’t recognize that name. I’ve been on the server since its
    release to the public, but I haven’t been very active on the server in
    quite some time.

  12. AceSurviver54 Says:

    hmm the arrow powering it is probably a variant of the arrow detector/
    particle detector but as for the arrow, im not sure why it won’t despawn
    (maybe persistance is added from a miscalculation?) or why it can’t be
    picked up (game doesn’t recognize the fact that it’s there?)

  13. Rubictrooper Says:


  14. NaveTGT Says:

    Xisuma I think the permanent arrow is because of a bug which will probably
    be fixed soon (referring to same thing happening on the HC server)

  15. Kamikaze Sloworm Says:

    The arrows not despawning is a horrid bug. Almost a server / world killer.
    Worst of it all is that Skelly shot arrows don’t despawn either! A guy on
    our server had 1300 in his grinder :\

  16. DrAaronWeir Says:

    That’s awesome!!

  17. David Olijnyk Says:

    I would like to join your server if this is possible please give me the ip
    through google plus or contact me at: mathsnerds@gmail.com

    -Thanks for you consideration, Mathsnerds.

  18. steve reher Says:

    does anyone know what all the F3 and other buttons are for example like F3
    A reloads chunks F3 B shows entities and F3 H shows durrability on the
    weapons tools etc. what are the others if any?

  19. tehblackfalcon Says:

    Xisuma, if you ever saw SimplySarcs video on permenant falling sand then
    this may be interesting to you. I found that they can conceal pressure
    plates, levers, buttons, etc. And also can be pushed into blocks so you
    cannot break them.

  20. Daniel Keriazis Says:

    The fact that you can get your arrow back makes it *SO* worth it XD


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