Minecraft: Nice GUI Mod – New Look and Feel to Menus!

Minecraft: Nice GUI Mod - New Look and Feel to Menus!Leave this video a ‘Like’ if you enjoyed, it is MUCH appreciated (: Mod Forum Page: www.minecraftforum.net Subscribe to our channel: www.youtube.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com

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Filed under MinecraftUniverse : Comments (20) : Feb 13th, 2012

20 Responses to “Minecraft: Nice GUI Mod – New Look and Feel to Menus!”

  1. mcweaky Says:

    @ThePwnageDude56 Don’t waste your time. He is clearly retarded

  2. gamelover1231 Says:

    there is no jungles in 1.1 :(

  3. AndActionify Says:

    3:41 “jeb forgot to remove herobrine in 1.1.thats worringly scary”


  4. MegaIhateit Says:

    @TheAssassincreeps Nope, never has, never will. I remember when wolves came out. That was one of the things that people were talking about. Wolves don’t attack creepers.

  5. gamelover1231 Says:

    @felixthemaster1 go check every minecraft forum and stuff and everybody is talking about 1.1 IDIOT!

  6. SwedishSausageCream Says:

    @cod6master1 Yes we have almost the same lang, but that doesnt make you the one that know more about swedish words then a swedish person i dont see how you dont get that. Oh yeah one more thing. If you say our lang is almost the same and because of that you know more about a lang i grew up with and still you say you know loads more then me? Think about what you write before you post it idiot.

  7. MegaIhateit Says:

    @downthepark yes, you can get your wolf to attack any mob, except the creeper.

  8. orrre97 Says:

    Jag känner en bot!! Swedish Style!

  9. gamelover1231 Says:

    @Lizzarruss oh… sorry! -.-‘ 

  10. ThePwnageDude56 Says:


    No they can’t, please explain…

  11. felixthemaster1 Says:

    @gamelover1231 thats 1.2 idiot

  12. Lizzarruss Says:

    @gamelover1231 Jungles are supposed to come out in 1.2, they were never supposed to be in 1.1

  13. ThePwnageDude56 Says:


    No duh?

    I know that, but if you hit a CREEPER, the wolf won’t attack it.

  14. downthepark Says:

    @ThePwnageDude56 First you have to tame a wolf. Then make him follow you. Then Punch any Mob. After punching any Mob, your Wolf will attack it.

  15. mcweaky Says:

    don’t waste your time, he is clearly retarded

  16. joshualinkfan100 Says:

    @302MineCrafter if you don’t like it don’t argue about it just leave the mod alone and play minecraft with the default menu

  17. MegaIhateit Says:

    @Urologictask141 nope, it must have come close to the creeper and then either you, or possibly the wolf set the creeper off.

  18. thegamerpro0 Says:

    @felixthemaster1 Wrong! actually its 1.1 and when you get 1.2 and degrade to 1.1 it will load the jungle but with “normal” tree wood.

  19. 302MineCrafter Says:

    UUUUUUUGH… It ruins the main menu by putting in the website links. I don’t like the “MineTips” because one of the great things about this game is discovering new things on your own. Even though I can’t really do that any more… but it will ruin it for new players who want to discover everything on their own. Now I realize that some aren’t even in game tips, but the ones that are tips for the actual game… yeah.

  20. rannochhuey Says:

    i saw the un-released snapshots of this mod a couple of weeks ago! forgot about it till now!

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