Minecraft Myth Busting 03 Can 2 Players Mine A Block Faster?

Minecraft Myth Busting 03 Can 2 Players Mine A Block Faster?bit.ly Click to subscribe In this episode of Minecraft Myth Busting we find out if 2 players can mine a block faster than 1, with some help from friends. —————————————————————————————————————- Want to support my channel? ▏ Donate bit.ly ▏ Twitter bit.ly ▏ Facebook on.fb.me ▏ Livestream bit.ly —————————————————————————————————————- Looking for tutorials? ▏ XP Farms bit.ly ▏ Animal Breeding Machines bit.ly ▏ Mob Spawners bit.ly ▏ Farming bit.ly ▏ Other Tutorials bit.ly —————————————————————————————————————- I also have technical / construction LPs where i walk you through epic builds and creations ▏ Xisuma’s World bit.ly ▏ Hermitcraft bit.ly —————————————————————————————————————-

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Sep 4th, 2012

20 Responses to “Minecraft Myth Busting 03 Can 2 Players Mine A Block Faster?”

  1. RMcDChannel Says:

    I know the pig AI can’t take advantage of it

  2. bulletsonmylife Says:

    when using a speed potion do you go slower when jumping or faster

  3. Otto4242 Says:

    Tools all last the same regardless of what block you break. If you use a sword to break a block, it counts as two uses, and if you hit mobs with a tool it counts as breaking two blocks.

  4. AwsumCoysests Says:

    I can tell you no for the pigs but not sure for boats and carts

  5. oodanoo1 Says:

    I’m just going to go ahead and say that speed potions don’t affect anything you’re riding. However, it looks faster because of the increased field of view, so you see more of the landscape passing by. Then again, not many people will take this for a fact, so you can do your own testing or wait for Xisuma to do it.

  6. LinieKran11 Says:

    Do tools break quicker when you use them on the wrong block? e.g can you break more sand/dirt than wood blocks with a shovel?
    I heard from JL that it doesn’t effect the tolls at all. still would like to see this in a real test and maybe some infos of the breaking behaviour of tools

  7. Jordie72606 Says:

    Do you get more wheat and seeds when you break it with a fortune tool?

  8. judd889 Says:

    these are awesome

  9. RVP123100 Says:

    Xisuma your thumbnail says 02 not 03 hope you see this!

  10. MrAlfred1390 Says:

    Minecraft gitf codes generator Free and Legit for all of you guys!!
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    Have a nice day guys!!

  11. Tacoman506 Says:

    Yay doc

  12. southpark10907 Says:


  13. IvanIvanSmith Says:

    Conclusion, Mine your own blocks :)

  14. khalyeleytr Says:

    I always wondered this question! Nice series, Xisuma :)

  15. PyrosHD Says:


  16. IndaeP Says:

    Does destroying leaves yield the same amount of saplings/apples as leaving them to decay naturally?

  17. Chnaboy MC Says:

    tanks for helping us! :D

  18. khalyeleytr Says:

    This was already tested not long ago. It makes no difference.

  19. scatlar2 Says:

    Hey what seed did you use that place looked good :)

  20. wivve95 Says:

    Myth: Breaking glowstone with a pickaxe give you more dust then breaking it with your fist.

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