Minecraft – Modern Library

Minecraft - Modern LibraryThe Inspiration Series is here! Share the love on it and hug the like button! Missed an episode? Minecraft Inspiration Playlist – http://goo.gl/irFpR For IP …

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Filed under Keralis : Comments (20) : Dec 4th, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft – Modern Library”

  1. Keralis Says:

    Also my voice is still derp from my cold! So no going rage mode about it!

  2. MrSupahcas Says:

    From shadow! :D

  3. Keralis Says:

    Please share your thoughts. No Shaders daily Inspiration or wait for the

  4. Keralis Says:

    You know we will use the shaders once they are released for 1.7 but to this
    point they are not. So don´t say “USE SHADERS”….since there is none.
    Question…is it cool with you to go “no shaders” until they are out there?

  5. Remon Kraakman Says:

    no go not without shaders shaders are boss!!!

  6. Thymen Bos Says:

    I dont care if u use the shaders mod but dont ever use it on hermitcraft

  7. Myrddin Peters Says:

    I’d rather have inspiration series without shaders, than no inspiration
    series. :D

  8. QuiteFranklyFrank Says:

    Go ahead without shaders. The shaders are nice and all, but it’s not the
    important point of the videos. We want to see cool builds!

  9. ItsRaymund Says:

    I like it better without the shaders

  10. Quinwin Says:

    yes, what +1 J0sh1exKaleb says.. the main point is getting inspiration…
    and it works for me..! :D so thanks… please go on without the mod.. :D

  11. ludovic vandesompele Says:

    Shaduw mod!

  12. thekibaman Says:

    Shaders isnt needed

  13. tim parrish Says:

    Without we can still see the build

  14. daniel boon Says:

    how do you put shaders on?

  15. TheRedstoneMine Says:

    It’s fine and everytime you go into a building with the shaders you had to
    go to rudoplays then you got the shaders from that meep guy so yeah… i
    didn’t like the shaders anyway

  16. SkyboyDriver Says:

    More battlefield plz

  17. xChizle Says:

    without shaders is all right

  18. MrZediaph | Constant Gaming Videos! Says:

    <——————— 69 

  19. Pixeleyezd Says:

    No shaders, I didn’t see a difference in the video anyway

  20. mvilcis Says:

    NO SHADERS. I read other people’s comments. There was 1 person that said
    Shaduw..but nah…if anyone wants shaders then build the thing in 1.6 and
    get shaders. not only u will see it with shaders but you kinda will learn
    to build. Insipration.

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