Minecraft – Modern House 12

Minecraft - Modern House 12Minecraft – Modern House 12 The Inspiration Series is here! Share the love on it and hug the like button! Check out the new shop! US Store: http://keralis.sp…

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Filed under Keralis : Comments (20) : Aug 5th, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft – Modern House 12”

  1. Rcolaboy662 Says:

    but what happens when some one is on the toilet and you poop down the poop chimney?

  2. MinecraftRomania69 Says:

    How you record and render your videos?
    PLs answer cuz i wanna make videos like you :P

  3. Aaron Jones Says:

    $500 dollars would get you a shit computer, but clearly you have no idea what the exchange rate is on USD to BP.

  4. Dizorb LP Says:

    Dude. One really good reason for not using shaders in a video like this:
    People might want to be inspired by this series, maybe even recreate the episode’s contents if they like. If something looks epic with shaders, it probably won’t look as epic without.

    & most people have ‘crap’ computers. Be fortunate that you may (or may not) have a good computer.

  5. David van Brakel Says:

    House witho shaders, fancy graphics, smooth lightning and without texture pack looks worse than a liquid diarea dump.

  6. Scout Raven Says:

    If you aren’t paying attention, he’s playing in 1.6.2 now, and no one has made Shader’s Mod coded for 1.6.2

  7. Max Rosario Says:

    400 000 subs congrats!

  8. aCheeseMunchkin Says:

    fly in birdy toilet

  9. EYFGaming Says:

    Your a bit of a twat aren’t you really…

  10. MonstaFlame Says:

    He has a crap PC but he wants to be a dick about it and make it seem like hes the coolest mother fucker around when really he just is jealous so he is just being a dick, and I have a amazing computer and I can’t run shaders, doesn’t mean I have a shit computer and he is better than me because his might be better. Hes the sore loser.

  11. JDxCOMPL3X Says:

    Whooo Keralis my hero

  12. Weupallnight Says:

    peeeaaassseeee continue with your sims 3 house building videos :) ?????

  13. ChallouYouKnow Says:

    He also Work on an American website i think

  14. Ron Zhou Says:

    I think the poop hole was meant to be for a fire

  15. 2299momo Says:

    people like you makeit sound like disese, hunger, and other bad things should be expected. well they arent things to be expected and theres really no point in being “happy” that they havent happened to you.

  16. HeyMyNameIsJoeHD Says:

    Keralis it’s a light for The bathroom and the other room. :)

  17. feretnet Says:

    Plz Put Shaders Back On

  18. Rcolaboy662 Says:

    it is a sliver spoon not a golden spoon

  19. AmbitionKills209 Says:

    Keralis, we love you and we love your house designs. But more Hermitcraft please.

  20. H. erman Says:

    u r just jelly cuz 1. ur papa has no money and 2. u are too lazy to earn your own damn money

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