Minecraft Mod | FRY THE WORLD MOD! (Fried Everything) – Minecraft Mod Showcase

Minecraft Mod | FRY THE WORLD MOD! (Fried Everything) - Minecraft Mod ShowcaseIf you’ve enjoyed please leave a ‘Like’ :) It’s much appreciated! Twitter: http://goo.gl/ADXNZ Facebook: http://on.fb.me/KaaEPl Subscribe for FREE: http://bit.ly/LRcjHW â-»MORE MODS – Attained…

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Filed under MinecraftUniverse : Comments (20) : Nov 18th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft Mod | FRY THE WORLD MOD! (Fried Everything) – Minecraft Mod Showcase”

  1. Cody Lawson Says:

    I love this video

  2. xXTheDerpXxYT - Thanks for 200 subs! Says:

    Hey guys, I am xXTheDerpXx and I was wondering if I could have some
    feedback on my channel! I work very hard to get videos done and I would
    appreciate if you could check me out! Thanks!

  3. Matthew Rivera Says:

    Hey minecraft universe huge fan can you do the five nights at freddys mod

  4. Sioux Anderson Says:

    I know I’m not supposed to advertise but…. PEOPLE SHOULD SUBSCRIBE TO
    RANDOMPERSON36!!!! SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND. Jason, if anyone makes a Coca
    cola mod, will you do it and possibly say who recommended it to you! *cough
    cough* me *cough cough* and my name is pronounced (Sue) but spelled Sioux

  5. DamagedBerries Says:

    Wii remote mod

  6. Michael M Says:

    Are jason and sky brother IRL

  7. Kaitlyn Bailey Says:


  8. FunnierCape Says:

    Dear Truemu and fans,
    It is my job as FunnierCape to spread cheesy jokes like butter across the
    bread of the internet. So here u have it…

    I tried to catch fog yesterday,

    Parallel lines have so much in common,
    It’s a shame they’ll never meet.

    Why did the scarecrow get a raise?
    He was outstanding in his field.

    I took the shell off my snail thinking it would make him go faster,
    If anything it made him more sluggish.

    What is brown and sticky?
    A stick

    Did you hear about he kidnapping at school?
    It’s okay he woke up.

    Did you hear the joke about the pizza?
    I can’t tell you it’s too cheesy.

    There you go. Hope I brighten someone’s day.

  9. Glimmer Cherry heart Says:

    My little pony mod please

  10. francisco kasanmoesdiran Says:

    jayson i heard blackvard is goin to have a concer soon is that true?

  11. jason pie Says:

    U should do the pandora’a box mod

  12. Stampyroxs Says:

    How about the sushi craft mod? Well I think that’s what it’s called…
    Anyway it’s a bit old but I like sushi! XD

  13. Anthony Snider Says:

    The lucky block mod

  14. Johann Maldonado Says:

    Where’s attack of the b team

  15. Gamesmash6gaming Says:


  16. Isaac Altman Says:

    1:44 the hell u want

  17. Minecraft Universe Says:
  18. John Wanke Says:

    I know why he was repeating fish sticks over and over 

  19. EpicFacePeeps2 Says:

    Thanks for reviewing my mod!

  20. Crafta9000 Says:

    What’s the sound that comes up when thr Friedcraft Universe logo comes up?

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