Minecraft Map Seed – Dormant Volcanoes (and Ruins, Ravines, Mine Shafts)

Minecraft Map Seed - Dormant Volcanoes (and Ruins, Ravines, Mine Shafts)Discuss @ punchwood.com! bit.ly Map seed for Minecraft 1.3 with a pair of dormant “volcanoes”, jungle ruins, massive ravines, and an abandoned mine shaft! Seed: -1219444308279449875 WEB: www.punchwood.com TWITTER: twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com Get Minecraft here: minecraft.net

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Aug 30th, 2012

20 Responses to “Minecraft Map Seed – Dormant Volcanoes (and Ruins, Ravines, Mine Shafts)”

  1. dzarko55 Says:


  2. Irohin Says:

    search on his Youtube channel..

  3. SamuelLegoMovies Says:

    Must be your computer

  4. jamredliam Says:


  5. Jefferson Lee Says:

    look for his vlogs.

  6. Spidenom Says:

    Awesome! I’ve just received my free minecraft giftcode!

    >> minecraftnow.us <<

  7. jolieror Says:

    You should do a lets play in the volcano like you said

  8. Korg Reyes Says:

    Dude can we see your real face?

  9. rubenator1111 Says:

    if your in the game type /seed and it should show the seed.

  10. Andrew Griffiths Says:

    Yeah I would, but i need recording and editing software, and I unfortunatley have no free money, so unless there is a good free program, i really cant :(


    Paul this is the best seed as you said it has volcanoes, ruins, massive ravines and a abandoned mine shaft and in the abandoned mine shaft I found 3 diamonds right behind the diamonds there was 4 gold and behind the gold was Mob spawner with some good stuff in it :D

  12. jamredliam Says:

    is it on large biomes

  13. KuraAbyss Says:

    Is it possiable for that volcano to erupt?

  14. jumpstartautobot Says:

    No, You do a lets play on this map :)

  15. jumpstartautobot Says:

    4:20 Actually it was the Anasazi that did lived on the side of cliffs. Pueblos is a village of mud huts. The people in pueblos claim to be descendants of the Anasazi. (just learned that in American history)

  16. Raph249 Says:

    Wow this map really has it all. Thanks Paul, can’t wait for the let’s play! :-)

  17. lagseeing98 Says:

    Paul! Best seed ever: 761901369131881790
    Spawn on a mid-sized island with flowers and reed. Nothing special. But, you can see another island on the horizon. Travel to it. OH, whats this? a cave! Enter and you will see a double dungeon. Most awesome thing ever. But, continue down the cave (its one-way) and you will have an awesome surprise… (it involves lots of monsters and wood)

  18. Korg Reyes Says:

    Dude can we see your real face?

  19. skate4ever62 Says:

    Jeb should add volcanoes in minecraft

  20. tapilogali Says:

    Hey! Try seed “3,14”, this is the biggest cavesystem under the whole map you’ve ever seen!

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