Minecraft Map Making 05 Arena Building

Minecraft Map Making 05 Arena BuildingThis episode we do a whole bunch of things including building a new arena for goldrush Thanks to Wubbi & Kabo http://www.youtube.com/user/WubbiConcepts http:…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : May 7th, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft Map Making 05 Arena Building”

  1. Bazzerkiller232 Says:

    Xisuma really great Map Lots of fun keep up the good Work:)

  2. MCAlt36 Says:

    I am very excited for the release of this map :) I hope this impresses a lot more people than the first version! Keep it up Xisuma! :)

  3. JaRsCrafted Says:

    For the tutorial spheres you could teleport people that are between the two spheres by only using one command block.
    /tp @a[spherecoords,rm=innersphereradius,r=outersphereradius] tpcoords
    example: /tp @a[100,40,250,rm=15,r=10] 100 40 250
    this command will look for people between 10 and 15 block away from the center and teleport them back to the center. but not affecting anyone outside or inside the spheres, also works for any amount of people

  4. XLionxStyleX Says:

    You should do a resistenz effect on the bases from the teams so there no spawn-killers

  5. Exspee Says:

    Great episode Xisuma! :D

  6. Swazuly Zuly Says:

    Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta

  7. PandasGamingChannel Says:

    Can you make a Q&A or some type of “progress” throughout your Youtube career LIKE SO HE CAN SEE

  8. sparingcubes Says:

    use a custom portal for your selections!!! now that would be really unique

  9. NoobFanDisser Says:


  10. justinwzig Says:

    You have to be looking at the command block

  11. Kirito Kirigaya Says:

    Xisuma, if a player goes into the tutorial for the XP, wouldn’t the player keep their XP? You should make it so that it removes all players’ XP if they are on Team Blue or Team Orange.

  12. brandon knapper Says:

    Xisuma: using more of these hopper cogs.
    Me: uuuuuuhhh. I’m out. I don’ t get it :(

  13. greg hill Says:

    Hey if I were to make a map and send you the world download would you implement it or is 3 areas enough I have some nice ideas on a map to build

  14. Emmortal Prince Says:

    why aren’t the letters in gold rush made of gold?

  15. waltnitro hi Says:

    how do u do the invis doors?

  16. BrothersorTerraria Says:

    NICE! can’t wait

  17. Fir3Fox27 Says:

    Anyone else have a second ad at 13:44?

  18. Peter Zwegert Says:

    If you’d like to help me building an unique pvp map and server don’t hesitate to drop me a message here: h t t p s://docs.google.com/forms/d/16wN7UXONH

  19. ChingzDesigns Says:

    when is FTB/Technical beast coming out ?

  20. zPwnedGaming Says:

    Isn’t it alpha beta and gamma?

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