Minecraft Lord of the Rings MOD – New Series Coming Soon!

Minecraft Lord of the Rings MOD - New Series Coming Soon!Quick chat about Minecraft Lord of the Rings Mod! Get ready for my next modded Minecraft “silly” role-play series! As a long-time fan of Tolkien’s works, I’m SUPER EXCITED about this mod! …

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Sep 17th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft Lord of the Rings MOD – New Series Coming Soon!”

  1. Jettman27games Says:

    I’m so exited for this new series

  2. ABreedon85 Says:

    Played with this mod in the Solitary pack. (ATL Launcher) Once I made the
    ring and teleported to LOTR land it leaked memory like a mother and became
    un playable.. Hope it was fixed for you Paul cause Love your Videos!!

  3. Supa Sam Says:

    WAIT WHAT!?!?!? Microsoft bought Minecraft already?!?! I hate you
    Microsoft, but I will still buy your computers :3

  4. Virginia Shanfield Says:

    You need to finish legend of hoodie :( 

  5. Axel Malone Says:

    Have you read the lotr book and/or the Hobbit? If so, would you say they’re
    difficult to read?

  6. Sherlock William Says:


  7. Onionboy Says:

    I loved Tale of Kingdoms, very excited for this!

  8. paulsoaresjr Says:
  9. David Pecora Says:

    +paulsoaresjr I don’t mind you playing the mod, just do what makes you
    happy. I am very well surprised this mod has finally been updated. It’s
    been a long time since I have seen it in play. The last time this mod was
    in play you had to make a golden ring and open a portal to travel to a new
    dimension. As I said before I am glad to see it finally updated since the
    1.4.7 version. So go on Paul give us a show! :D

  10. Renee Peppers Says:

    I hate that minecraft is now owned by Microsoft……
    I herd someone joked how they would rename it MicroShaft, I bet that’s what
    it’ll be. :( 

  11. Jimmy B Says:

    I don’t blame Mojang for selling Minecraft. I mean, 2.5 BILLION dollars is
    a lot of money.

  12. SpartanIsaac Says:

    Mojang sold Minecraft, I wonder whats gonna happen…

  13. Trevor L. Says:

    Sweet! I love your roleplay, and the LOTR series is also wonderful, so I
    look forward to watching this!

  14. gwgw kal Says:

    so.. basically is this thing good for us, or not…? i mean about minecraft
    being bought by microsoft…

  15. Solber Martinez Says:

    This should be a roleplay about Squire Beans (like Legend of Hoodie was
    about Hoodie)

  16. Parker Craft Says:

    Remake the hobbit hole from when you made it in Mindcrack.

  17. ThrewineD Says:

    I happen to be connected to this mod and I just wanted to thank you on
    behalf of Mevans, the mod creator, for beginning this series on the mod.
    Please speak to me if you want any cool facts on the mod, or would like to
    do a co-op thing one day. Thanks again!

  18. Y2KNW Says:

    Be prepared to do A LOT of walking, Paul. A *lot* of walking.

    The LotR mod’s world is just about real sized, I spent an hour walking and
    I *think* I made it out of the Shire. :P

  19. Brandon Nguyen Says:

    Third? Maybe

  20. Bryan Rothe Says:

    Can you play this mod multiplayer?

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