Minecraft Lord of the Rings E10 “Funeral for Odo Baggins” (Silly Role-play Adventure)

Minecraft Lord of the Rings E10 Minecraft Lord of the Rings mod role-play adventure! In this episode, we say goodbye to our fallen companion, Odo Baggins, and lay him to rest before continuing our westward journey. Full…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Nov 17th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft Lord of the Rings E10 “Funeral for Odo Baggins” (Silly Role-play Adventure)”

  1. Br1ckbuster Says:

    At 10:12, did you mean to say that word? It isn’t a swear word in the US
    but over here in the UK, it is quite bad. Sorry if this is a bad question,
    I was just trying to point it out!

  2. James Blankenship Says:

    Thank you for these kinds of videos, they help get through a very stressful
    days. Thanks

  3. Anheuser75 Says:

    Be prepared to be disappointed further. Sadly there’s a lot of things not
    in the mod pack that you would expect to be there, such as cities, bridges,

  4. Infernape is best Says:


  5. Dr. Franken-Max Says:

    Ooookkaaayy… Is it just me, or has King Punchwood gone mad due to the
    loss of Odo Baggins? *twitch* Garden! *twitch, twitch* All garden! he, heh!

  6. Retrac Gnouy Says:

    That ocean takes, like, 4-5 Minecraft days to cross. Be warned, o ex-king!

  7. TheGrizzly Bear Says:

    Why aren’t you making this a daylie series?

  8. sgtnerf10 Says:

    Hey Paul, great job! I really like this series, and hope you keep it up!
    Now, just a quick question (for Paul or anyone else). When, in the Lord of
    the Rings series, is this taking place in?

  9. paulsoaresjr Says:
  10. Lumpy Space Milk Says:

    Man, i cant decide which is better: Tale of Kingdoms, Legends of Hoodie, or
    Lord of the Rings :\

  11. J Thurwood Says:

    maybe you should hire a man of the west and call him beans

  12. Dylan Zhang Says:

    Paul can u make daily videos for this?

  13. Hog Cats Says:

    Schlechte Odo er war ein guter Krieger ein bisschen dumm, aber treu er
    tatsächlich bezahlt den höchsten Preis…

  14. Carly Bates Says:

    Rest in Peace Odo. You will be missed.

  15. The Sharku Says:

    Do You Know In This Uptade Is Utumno! Rip

  16. redstonesnake68 Says:

    My favorite color is Orange to

  17. Alex Bevins Says:

    Has anyone noticed king punchwoods shield yet?

  18. blockman zan Says:

    R.I.P odo Baggins 2014/2014 ;( im sad he was very great you met him at a
    bar :( sniff sniff;(

  19. Likidel Kaser Says:

    if you want to include actuall cities in the blue mountains, maybe you
    should go into creative and spawn them yourself. There are ways to spawn
    whole structures, and you could maybe try to spawn them in an orderly
    fashion to make it resemble a city. I did that myself just for the pleasure
    of looking at it, and it does work well. Just an idea!

  20. shadowwolv21 Says:

    RIP odo, may the magical flying spaghetti monster bless you..

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