Minecraft – Life in the Woods Modpack

Minecraft - Life in the Woods ModpackJust a short walk in the woods in the modpack “Life in the Woods” while discussing my upcoming schedule including Man vs Minecraft Season 6, Legend of Hoodie “finale”, a new role-play series,…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Aug 22nd, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft – Life in the Woods Modpack”

  1. Sophia Perkins Says:

    also might help u not miss him as much (I know it’s hard having a child go
    away to collage) because I will still be talking to him a doing stuff. U
    know how u told that story on Mindcrack about that trip u never took? Well
    this series will make up for it.

  2. Ewok Warrior Says:

    can you please put a link to the shaders.

  3. Matthew Donato Says:

    Dear Paul,
    If you need a idea for a beginning to Man vs Minecraft here it
    is I think the story should be that you got home safely and are on another
    great adventure this new adventures story is that you have traveled to a
    ‘Special’ area of the world where the terrain is harsher food is scarce and
    is VERY. VERY. dangerous



  4. lipin25 Says:

    12:38 ~ paul did you join the yogscast?

  5. Macho Nacho Says:

    Love your vids Paul…I like the minimilistic approach to survival….like
    surviving in a cozy cramped cabin out in the snowy wilderness :)

  6. Tyler B Says:

    What about Starbound. That was the best thing you did. Please at least an
    update video.

  7. SlimeMaster Nate Says:

    Come on inferno mines and other super hostile are my favorite

  8. O Velhex Says:

    Have you tried the TerraFirmaCraft mod? Its like hardcore survival. You
    might like it

  9. EthanUnken Says:

    I’m looking forward to Man vs Minecraft. x3 That series tends to inspire me
    to play Minecraft more, as well as get more invested and creative. Though I
    particularly enjoy Starbound… not that I expect a video series for it til
    there’s some substantial update that could support it.
    Generally each one of the series you wanna focus on truly are fun and
    enjoyable, so…. good news.
    Best of luck for your son in college! I bet he’ll really enjoy it. For me,
    college was a lot more enjoyable than I expected.

  10. Nocturjo Says:

    *Sigh*, I enjoyed Minecraft so much better back in Alpha…(specifically
    before biomes and all the fancy stuff that came afterwards.)

  11. salami350 Says:

    +paulsoaresjr what about a Terrafirmacraft series, since Terrafirmacraft
    is all about realistic survival I think you would like it?

  12. blizard15 Says:


  13. Parker Craft Says:

    Only 30 fps? Well my computer wouldn’t even run it so…

  14. Patrick Semborskis Says:

    Paul never fly again it’s cheating 

  15. Awsome Swasome Says:

    cmon psj really dont cheat,

  16. Slime Farm Says:

    I Really like this mudpack, the new series your going to do should
    definitely use it. Also I think it would be great if jumbo could join you
    on it =D

  17. Arshad Ali Says:

    First Comment! :P

  18. CriteriaGamer Says:

    +paulsoaresjr Simply perfect! Great video Paul! Can’t wait to see more!

  19. paulsoaresjr Says:
  20. Darragh Carlin Says:

    Can u show us how to download?

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