Minecraft Legend of Hoodie E46 “The Dark Tower!” (Silly Role-play Adventure)

Minecraft Legend of Hoodie E46 Modded Minecraft “silly” role-play adventure! This is the grand finale episode where Hoodie finally reaches The Dark Tower to face the ultimate foe! Full playlist: http://bit.ly/1lXFqJr Discuss…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Sep 18th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft Legend of Hoodie E46 “The Dark Tower!” (Silly Role-play Adventure)”

  1. thecool1232 Says:

    yay king punchwood is back! now i have to go back and check when hoodie
    gave the king those book :[

  2. Peng u Says:

    that was ……………. AWESOME. the moment mr. Gandalf said nancy from
    the kingdom of punchwood i knew it was her!(poor Fredinand). I CANT WAIT

  3. happylegodude Says:

    Foxxy should get a backstory…..

  4. MsToshi1990 Says:

    Fladnag’s cousin. That made me giggle :D

  5. Gamerforever Says:

    i don’t usually like but when i do i like the video which took time, sweat
    and determination to do. I SALUTE YOU

  6. Chaize Moore Says:


  7. PowerToTheO Says:

    Love the ending! are you also making the lord of the rings lets play a role
    play too?

  8. TheWildstar Says:

    Does this mean there is going to be a new series?

  9. Slayerlord13 Says:

    I know it’s long until your next series after the lord of the rings series
    but it could be cool with a series with the witchery mod, perhaps from the
    perspective of Nancy or one of her friends?

  10. GoldKitsuneBrony Says:

    hjsdfgbjkdzfbgkgbzrkhsdr f h
    I can see where this is going!

  11. Trinty Hill Says:

    Good job tying all of the stories together! Bravo Punchwood~

  12. Zach La Ford Says:

    Well done psj…. very well done!!

  13. xPr0to |Minecraft Says:

    Hey Paul, I know chances are you wont see this but I wanted to thank you
    for inspiring me to start youtube it has been a great experience for me.
    Thank you!

  14. BlackDranzer178 Says:

    Now I’m mildly confused. Either I missed something during the fight against
    Jet, or how did Nancy the Witch tie into the Dark Lord part on corrupting
    Hoodie and his father?
    Regardless, *slow clapping that turns into applause* Bravo! Bravo!
    Onward King Punchwood, onward to Neverland!
    Wait. Wrong land.
    Let’s try that again.
    Onward to Middle Earth!

  15. blademazter1212 - the3FMS Says:

    That was so cool Paul is so good at role play on minecraft and any other

  16. clay fuller Says:

    noo way *do not read for spoilers * this leader is sauron

  17. MasterSouth5 Says:

    i can’t wait for LORD OF THE RINS

  18. Pokemon1709 Says:

    “the dark lord” Bring in chimneyswift

  19. butlikers Says:

    Really paul lord of the rings so original.

  20. Icecreamguy84 Says:

    Finally! The series is back!

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