Minecraft Hunger Games: Episode 18 – Feat. Vikkstar123HD

Minecraft Hunger Games: Episode 18 - Feat. Vikkstar123HDA Minecraft Mini-Game based on the Hunger Games books/movie. In this Mini-Game 24 players are put on a map filled with hidden chests, in the chests are items…

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Filed under BrenyBeast : Comments (20) : Jun 25th, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft Hunger Games: Episode 18 – Feat. Vikkstar123HD”

  1. jimmyleet2 Says:


  2. Dylan Perna Says:

    Do one with iPod mail again

  3. Kibanekowolfboy Says:

    just so you know it kinda really get old with the hunger games since it been like 1.2.5 and what are we in now near 1.6 ya i can see it like it so old there alot of other things to do in minecraft like Dwarves Vs Zombies that really not been seen by many youtubers and give more a chance to try something new pvp that everyone wins in there own way like every one becoming a zombie or killing oldmanwillikars or being the dwarve at the shine but hunger game really it so last year.

  4. sloppygoo3624 Says:

    Please upload more on your rs channel

  5. Hikaru Ko Says:

    No breny why did u die

  6. RNRandomness Says:

    Breny, chain is better than gold

  7. qountom64 Says:

    Can’t wait for HARDCORE tomorrow but Breny can you do more “Hunger Games” video.

  8. chuggaatrain Says:

    baccas be giving you fish breny

  9. BobInTheMix2k6 Says:


  10. MrTheL1 Says:

    Play on mcsg. Au is fast for us Aussies!

  11. tegith pvper Says:

    Teamwork and by the way you should stick to survival in my opinion

  12. kristaps graudums Says:

    Breny chain leggings ar better then gold leggings

  13. Joebeast12345 Says:

    my favorites are hunger games and hardcore

  14. Max Fieb Says:

    I really cant wait for hardcore, lets go Breny

  15. BobInTheMix2k6 Says:


  16. TwoGamingLPs Says:

    Dat team work!

  17. DryuJay Says:

    Is Vikk English?

  18. Azure Flames Says:


  19. BrenyBeast Says:

    Enjoy! :D

  20. jutin vanzant Says:


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