Minecraft Fun & Games ft. DMAC – Hermitcraft #30

Minecraft Fun & Games ft. DMAC - Hermitcraft #30Back on Hermitcraft today, DMAC is online, so we’re going to joke around the server and play some of Mumbo’s mini games. Enjoy! Check out KingDaddyDMAC’s channel: http://www.youtube.com/kingdaddy…

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Filed under monkeyfarm : Comments (20) : Jul 3rd, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft Fun & Games ft. DMAC – Hermitcraft #30”

  1. Alex St-Amant Says:

    Fifty ninth!

  2. HD_inmemoriam Says:

    A Monkeyfarm hat on the skull would be great. Would kind of look like a
    funky skelleton version of Walter White.

  3. AngryKnine Says:

    I think it’s time for someone to build a King of the Ladder arena, and you
    and DMac can battle it out :P

  4. Cheese Ninja Says:

    Monkeyfarm could you do more videos with other hermits? I always enjoy
    these the most, and you seem to have a lot more fun!

  5. Chris Salvador Says:

    You sounded drunk in the video lol

  6. monkeyfarm Says:

    It’s all fun & games on Hermitcraft (ft. DMAC) – Hermitcraft #30 

  7. BloodGaming Says:

    Hmm… Xisuma, Zombiecleo or Monkeyfarm’s Hermitcraft video first?
    …Monkeyfarm all the way!

  8. Alex Cline Says:


  9. 1xSeanyBoyx1 Says:

    Do the baaaad advice sheep! You could make all the bad advice books come
    out of its butt!

  10. 29Crysis29 Says:

    Great Vid Monkey! Long time Subscriber! Wish you posted more like the old
    days! Love them till! Cant wait for your 4th world LP to start! 

  11. 000mojito Says:

    Facepalm.. the wooden thing show the way on the pillar… :)

  12. MC Wizard Says:

    11 comment

  13. Stitch Isaksen Says:

    Awesome Video Monkey…

  14. Miguel Marleau Says:

    Its about time

  15. The Gaming Hobo | zphil123 Says:

    Monkey seems different lol

  16. Captjack208 Says:

    +KingDaddyDMAC You are the one making fun of +monkeyfarm for living ina
    tree? We’ve seen your FTB videos!

  17. Redline900HD Says:

    Holy crap you’re such an unco monkey! xD If you can see it’s a dead end
    don’t keep running to the end of the pathway :P!

  18. Andrew Thomson Says:

    You were a little awkward in this video just saying!

  19. MrAlex3461 Says:

    *If I head over… Never mind…*

  20. Travis Luze Says:

    So not saying you’re recording when in casual conversation is highly
    frowned upon I see. This felt a little like a behind the scenes of what
    hermitcraft is like when nobody is recording.

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