Minecraft – Fly Boys #7: Team Skirmish

Minecraft - Fly Boys #7: Team SkirmishNOTE: Sorry, but the sound is a bit messed up this episode. Modded Minecraft. Today we group up into teams and fight throughout our city in a practice skirmish. (Red Team) ————————…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Dec 16th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft – Fly Boys #7: Team Skirmish”

  1. Fire Block Says:

    I love how Etho had complete control of the kill board and abused his power
    at the end

  2. Jack Whitehouse Says:

    All they did was camp. Ruined it .. Not fun to watch you get shot from

  3. Cassandra Rose Says:

    Lol. At the time of me posting this comment, theres 42 comments. 39 of
    those say “first” XDD

  4. Brad Does Minecraft - Daily Minecraft Videos Says:

    That was so intense and frustrating xD
    I kept shouting “KILL THEM NOW” at my computer, can’t imagine what my
    neighbours were thinking, haha. Great video Etho, really enjoyed this one!

  5. Maarten29 Says:

    If anyone wnders where mindcrack is, well this is what Etho posted on the
    reddit: Today on the Mindcrack Server…There Were No Videos door Guardaxin
    I am still very interested in vanilla and modded Minecraft. However, my
    days of playing on the Mindcrack server(s) are unfortunately probably going
    to come to end soon unless something drastic changes within the group. My
    plan is to finish up with the race track project and hopefully my
    treehouse, without really starting any new projects so that there is proper
    I devote many hours to each of the episodes I make, which means many hours
    on the Mindcrack server… many hours of being the only one online and
    witnessing very few changes being made on the server. Mindcrack is awesome
    when things are active; lot’s of things to do and see, and people available
    to do things with. When it’s inactive it becomes single player, but a lot
    worse because I have no control over the workings of the map, lag, can’t
    pause the game, etc.
    I’ve enjoyed what I’ve done this season so far, and there have been some
    really fun moments / episodes, but I can only see a further decline of that
    in the future with how quickly activity has dwindled. Just adding new
    people to the group & server is not the solution unless the people being
    added actually have a strong interest in playing on the server.
    Is Minecraft important anymore? In my opinion, with what I want Mindcrack
    to be, I feel Minecraft is vital to the group. Without Minecraft there is
    no true unity and focus within the group. It becomes a label instead of a

  6. Assassin878D Says:

    Who is even playing on the Mindcrack server anymore?

  7. TugasDr Says:

    Another episode of this boring series!?…
    We already had one yesterday

  8. rom hibi Says:

    They should not allow vanilla weapons such as diamond axe cause they have
    quite a bit of damage and doesnt take much time to land the next hit which
    is pretty unfair and for some reason the last was completely 1 sided as
    etho team pretty much got camped at the end. Well its was okay to watch at

  9. cSpot Says:

    Everyone just has sniper rifles… It’s kind of boring with everyone just
    using what they think is the best gun.

    I think that they should use some sort of “class” system.
    Like assign people:
    · 1 Sniper
    · 1-2 shotguns
    · 2-3 automatics
    (and maybe someone with only melee and grenades, or someone who just places
    Something like that.

  10. Johan Scherling Says:

    Finally I can bring out the snacks and enjoy some Etho! (Thanks man)

  11. FireGoldK Says:

    The gun Genny was using is the barret .50 cal it is what you want to use i
    believe it was downgraded in SOF cous` it was too over powered so i want
    you to know that it has higher stats than any other sniper made by the flan
    people please Etho it is the best gun you have in it according to damage
    speed same accuracy as the L96 same scope distance therefore its better
    than the L96 so if you use it you will do better

  12. MuffinzGoneWild Says:

    Woah this is my first time being first. I would like to thank my family,
    friends, and anyone who likes or comments on this comment. thank you <3

  13. skyzm Says:

    Nasty with that sword

  14. Ritsche13 Says:

    I know cubulus or whatever spelling is commented saying it will be more
    balanced, but you guys should’ve balanced before the match. Way to much
    camping how is it going to be fun for the other team. If you know you are
    spawn camping and are going to get hate why do it?

  15. Mike Nepo Says:

    The 5 vs 4 ruined the challenge, as it would require genny to get either no
    kills or someone on red getting ridiculously high kill count to balance.
    Plus, the axe ruins the point of having modded melee weapons and let’s
    people just spam click. Plus, the nightclub was an ASS spawning location,
    all black did was camp with snipers. Etho needs to use the P90 like he did
    on Crackpack, the fire rate would help a lot, especially when people like
    ty just run around with mags and mags of ammo.

  16. Pawo CS:GO Says:

    2 fly boys in 2 days… Kill me please… I miss mindcrack

  17. CappleApple Says:

    Just started a modpack and server like this if anyone wishes to join.

  18. Supersoup42 Says:

    Its 5 v 4 and they thought it was an even fight? Of course the team with
    more people is going to win. (And the map was really uneven in the second
    round). I’m not even saying this just because I like Etho. I just think
    this system is a little flawed with uneven teams in a game where the amount
    of people is especially important.

  19. Checkedbox Says:

    *PLEASE* stop hip firing sniper rifles or just guns in general. They are
    *so* much more accurate when aiming down sight

  20. EthosLab Says:

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