Minecraft: Diver Mod – Stay Under Water Forever!!!

Minecraft: Diver Mod - Stay Under Water Forever!!!Mod is found here: www.minecraftforum.net Subscribe to our channel: www.youtube.com Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com TAGS: yt:quality=high minecraft alpha Minecraft Alpha notch spider spiders skeleton skeletons zombie zombies lumber wood coal stone torch torches workbench crafting square pickaxe pick wood wooden stone shelter survival night machinima tutorial how to play craft stuff corythedark15 darkxmedia lets play hause mansion roller coaster awesomeness guide how to tips tricks realm sandbox RPG hunt golden apple Overhang Overdrive antvenom “ep 24″ “episode 24″ Double FAIL

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Filed under MinecraftUniverse : Comments (20) : Feb 15th, 2012

20 Responses to “Minecraft: Diver Mod – Stay Under Water Forever!!!”

  1. demoninuyasha639 Says:

    You still don’t. Have you been removing them in SP? I’m getting 2 and 3. Sometimes 1, so unless i’m mistaken, you need 4.

  2. Hoqvist Says:


  3. minecrafterteamif1 Says:

    yay i love this mod now i can remake bioshock city of rapture underwater

  4. VitiosusAdustum Says:

    @ZavernKY Jack-o-Lanterns = instaprofit

  5. Philipstar13 Says:

    What seed?

  6. temp669 Says:

    When vill dis mod com aut to 1.1 ???

  7. randumpotato Says:

    More like the classic way & the cheaper way!

  8. Kesh789 Says:

    @XreconX5505 glowstone is often expensive but glass is not

  9. ZavernKY Says:

    Because Glowstone is a pain in the ass to get, and when you break it, you don’t always get enough dust back to make another.

  10. thisisjoustourthing Says:

    @XreconX5505 becouse for glowstone you need to go to the nether

  11. randumpotato Says:

    @XreconX5505 Because it’s cheaper to make. I’m such a killjoy. ;)

  12. AlexJits Says:

    the BOOTIES the PANTIES and the Crandio shamor ?????

  13. Toontown348 Says:

    @ZavernKY Now you do…

  14. DoctorFreeman97 Says:

    @yupyupyup47 Your mother must have drank lots of bourbon when she was pregnant with you

  15. Templer0521 Says:

    @stevodewar10 yeah but for beginners the underwater torches are more easy to make

  16. dummiexx2 Says:

    @yupyupyup47 Its a fucking mod retard

  17. SuperFly8anzai Says:

    @yupyupyup47 It’s a mod, retard. You download it and put it into your minecraft.jar files.

  18. randumpotato Says:

    @stevodewar10 Yes, but it’s cheaper to make the torches. I’m a killjoy. ;)

  19. yupyupyup47 Says:

    Fake much ..

  20. Toontown348 Says:

    @demoninuyasha639 Every time I do, I get 4…

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