Minecraft – Chateau

Minecraft - ChateauMinecraft – Chateau The Minecraft Inspiration Series! Get your daily dose of ideas! Share the love on it and hug the like button! Shaders for 1.7.2 Tutorial …

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Filed under Keralis : Comments (20) : Feb 8th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft – Chateau”

  1. Xander Finchum Says:

    Dude its a Sphinx found in the eat earlier times of pyramids and Indians
    about 1000 years ago I just got out of social studies sorry :p

  2. MangoPuff Says:


  3. Kane Jefferys Says:

    Hay grat vido i love how you always say derp in all your lets buld and that

  4. ralph isyoutubing Says:

    that statue thing on the table in the art room looks a bit like a sphinx

  5. spellchech Says:

    A magnificent creation 

  6. Keralis Says:

    Enjoy all and have a really awesome weekend! In around 2 hours there will
    be some Hermitcraft! <3

  7. Julian Danger Says:


  8. Brian Morris Says:

    what is that material that the walls are made of. the smooth cream colored

  9. Sam Mills Says:

    A sphinx

  10. megamax141 Says:

    it looks like chateau noisy also cald chateau mirand
    it is a abonned castle in belgium maybe some inspiration

  11. keet nguyen Says:

    it probably a Egyptian statues that found around the pyramid =)

  12. MJfanMP Says:

    this is really amazing

  13. saborwolf Says:

    That piece of art on the table… Sphinx maybe?

  14. Pinda Kraker Says:

    House of Annubis?

  15. Albtraum Says:

    Can you make a map download please?

  16. Antroz59 Says:

    A french title ?! Huh eh! Nice video keralis ;) Keep up the awesome work !

  17. Geuronik Says:

    Press Shift to place the lever at the anvil. 

  18. RCTNextGeneration Says:

    7:18 that’s the sound

  19. Javar Thompson Says:

    its a sphinx

  20. ImDropehh Says:

    Chateau is the french word for castle. (I’m French)

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