Minecraft – Airport

Minecraft - AirportThe Inspiration Series is here! Share the love on it and hug the like button! Missed an episode? Minecraft Inspiration Playlist – http://goo.gl/irFpR Bdouble…

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Filed under Keralis : Comments (20) : Dec 7th, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft – Airport”

  1. Keralis Says:

    Enjoy all and enjoy you weekend! Getting cozy on the couch to watch some
    movies with wifey! <3


    Can you check my channel out pls

  3. dennis heijboer Says:

    Were are the lets builds ?!?

  4. Taha Haider Says:

    Dubai International Airport is like that-iwh

  5. Joseph Fox Says:

    You should get BdoubleO and Shiftmaster on with u at same time

  6. TheRedstoneMine Says:

    We had a storm too here in holland! it was a code RED!!!!!!!

  7. BunnyNZ Says:

    You all want to know how to get player heads? Reply and i’ll tell you

  8. Tiger Claw Says:

    This is the airport from Grand Thef Auto San Andreas,i think .

  9. The4eLven Says:


  10. Chain-Chewer WARPIG Says:

    Thailand has a glass airport

  11. Jesse Stormblade Says:

    Do a lets build airplane!

  12. Diamond Gaming Says:

    Hi Keralis!!! Thanks so much for making this video! A lot of my designs
    were there!!! I built the Cargo Plane that says DV on it. it stands for
    Diamond Vehicles.

    I also built the Car Delivery depot! I am glad you could guess what it was!
    :D I make loads of vehicle tutorial like you and I have just reached 1,000
    subscribers! It would be awesome if you or anyone here would take some time
    to look at my tutorials! Thanks so much Mr. K! Have a Merry Christmas!!

    :D <3

  13. Zeke Huguenet Says:

    You spawn Player heads by going into chat mode and typing in: /give minecraft:skull 1 3 {SkullOwner:}
    Thats for 1.7

  14. Daniel Vogl Says:

    Finaly A AIRPORT!!!!!!!!!

  15. Rúben Bento Says:

    In porto a portuguese city it has a giant window like that.

  16. Christian Kjeldgaard Says:

    Can you put it out for download plzzzz :D

  17. xFlnalHer0 Says:

    the jungle is from kuala lumour

  18. glamplays Says:

    Correction: Guests can chat on the server by doing /ch gu :D

  19. Cameron Ledward Says:

    Mind blown

  20. AdminK Says:

    that place with all the cars and trucks is a car rental place

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