Minecraft: 3x3x3 Potion Brewing Stand Tutorial

Minecraft: 3x3x3 Potion Brewing Stand TutorialIn this minecraft tutorial i will show you how to build a potion brewing stand that fits into a 3x3x3 space. It will deliver potions on demand and start brew…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Aug 19th, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft: 3x3x3 Potion Brewing Stand Tutorial”

  1. desox2009 Says:

    You can simply put hoppers on the droppers and chests on top of those if you mean you want extra storage. If you mean actually obtaining the items it’s not completely possible seeing as you can’t automatically farm netherwart. Although you could automate the process of obtaining some items automatically, is building a witch farm, magma cream farm, spider eye farm (and so on) plus sorters to actually put em into droppers really worth it…?

  2. TheGingernator MC Says:


    Automatic and can brew anything

  3. superlakueman Says:

    I can’t sub to xivuma

  4. Douglas Lawrie Says:

    automized. thats a good word

  5. captainawesomedude1 Says:

    you could use a comparator at the chest to a note block

  6. DdongMine Says:

    Hey Xisumavoid, I usually try to understand things before I build it

    but honestly I cannot understand why you need a wooden button~ Please explain :)

  7. Gracious Carrot Says:

    Where can i get that map?

  8. iJTshadowguy Says:

    Xisuma you are the best youtuber =D

  9. Derek Warner Says:

    is there a way that this could be automized?

  10. ojing12321 Says:

    But i was just wondering how do you know when the potion is ready

  11. Clintombment Says:

    Gonna make this as soon as I get home :o

  12. Dom Kongprakon Says:

    Thanks bro

  13. Michael Connolly Says:

    Does this send any pulses outside the 3×3? So could I tile them exactly side by side and have them working? or would they interfere with eachother….

  14. xisumavoid Says:

    Yes, the pulse is longer so all 3 bottles can leave :-)

  15. XxFraNCisLighTxX Says:

    Thanks for sharing Xisuma :)

  16. Klif Says:

    I did use a wood button. Still not sure why it does it. It’s not that big of a deal to put the water bottle back in the other chest. But I can’t figure out why it drops the water into my potion chest occasionally.

  17. desox2009 Says:

    There’s a lot of designs out there already (youtube, google, planetminecraft) and asking youtubers that usually don’t do those kind of things probably isn’t going to help. If you really want a youtuber to show you I would suggest keralis seeing as he does quite some “How to builds” but take a look at what others have done already first ;)

  18. Lance Aimiel De Castro Says:

    So your the one who build that thing so nice one

  19. DdongMine Says:

    oh never mind I get it now lol

  20. BBoyWonderz Says:


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