Minecraft 1.9 Update: RED DRAGON ENDER DRAGON UPDATE!?Some NEW News about the Minecraft 1.9 Update News | NEW DRAGON MORE MINECRAFT? Subscribeâ-»http://bit.ly/15AeTzx Clicking LIKE and leaving a COMMENT really hel…

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Filed under MINECRAFTdotNET : Comments (20) : Feb 1st, 2015

20 Responses to “Minecraft 1.9 Update: RED DRAGON ENDER DRAGON UPDATE!?”

  1. wundrweapon Says:

    I think that the seed dragon deal is that different seeds make the second
    form different genders and maybe colors

  2. TheDecooledaan Says:

    strongest dutch accent ever

  3. TheMrSoundBox Says:

    The gender might determine if the first Enderdragon spawns the dragon egg
    and then maybe you will be able to hatch the egg into the red dragon as the
    “second form” that is hinted at.

  4. Alex Hahn Says:

    the dragon colors will either change or the attacks will be based on the
    last 4 combinations (8 digits in all) to decide the devastating attacks

  5. Aidan Rooney Says:

    wow nobody here understands jokes. The bit where he said people were
    reading into it too much and that the ender dragon’s gender is based on the
    world seed, WAS A JOKE. Also, the bit about if you’ve killed it already you
    can kill it in the dragon’s new form does not mean that the dragon will
    take on a new form. It means if you have a world that you’ve played in for
    a long time, and you killed the dragon already, once 1.9 is out you will
    still get a chance to kill the dragon in it’s new form (meaning like the
    console version, dragon breathing fire and stuff). This channel is really
    annoying me now, nowhere did dinnerbone hint a red dragon, i thought this
    video might actually have reason to think that (tweets i didn’t see) but
    it’s just you guessing that it’s red because of the health bar. The current
    ender dragon has a purple health bar but is a black dragon -.-

    This channel is going downhill fast. Rant over :p

  6. HiH Jip Says:

    Wat een nederlands kut accent

  7. XTheSpyX Says:

    I think about the seed that the dragon will have a gender male or female
    depending on the seed

  8. Home-Daddy-Slice Says:

    I think that the world seed determines what gender the dragon will be, if
    it is female then you got a new egg that you could incubate the egg in the
    end to hatch a new dragon and you get to fight the dragon again, if it is
    male, then it might drop something else, thin you craft an egg with the new

  9. Gerstensaft Says:

    Dinnerbone working on features? He often started things, implement and they
    are not thought through… For example the desing of the mobs are totally
    inconsistent. The End itself is in my opinion not well designed.

  10. Steg Rocket Says:

    They have been “working” on this since 2012… Ride able red dragons pretty

  11. callum hunter Says:

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  12. The Blue Turtle Says:

    I assume that it means that depending on the biome that you spawn in… It
    will create a different dragon type… Such as a ice dragon if its in a
    snow biome or an air dragon in its in the mountains… Idk if thats right
    or not but it seems that thats what he’s hinting at…

  13. Michelle Grant Says:

    OMG(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). 9865322 £=MOGANG

  14. Zenection Says:

    Where are you from you sound kinda dutch/ belgium isch

  15. ruitje123 Says:

    I think that are Dragons colour Will be randomly generated based on ure

  16. Elroy Stam Says:

    Ben je Nederlands??

  17. The Terrarian. Says:

    New form…
    Red Enderdragons confirmed!
    The word dragon has 6 letters.
    6 / 2 = 3.
    The word Red has 3 letters.

  18. Mathis Rhoades Says:

    The gender would be different of the seed

  19. MineCraftedFilms Says:

    MY best guess: Add an new item to minecraft that you can only get from
    killing the ender dragon, and the wither. Once you combine this two, you
    have to add it to the ender dragon egg. The egg will crack and the new
    dragon will come out.

  20. MCredstonewing Says:

    He means the dragons gender is random, basicly in one world he could be a
    woman, and in another she could be a guy.

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