Minecraft 1.8: The Bountiful Update

Minecraft 1.8: The Bountiful UpdateThe Bountiful Update is finally here! Mincraft 1.8 has been released today and in this video ill go over a few important bugfixes and changes that have been made during the pre-releases :-)…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Sep 3rd, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft 1.8: The Bountiful Update”

  1. Tryonus Says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, not sure here, but I noticed that while riding a
    horse though trees, I no longer take damage in leafs I think that’s new to
    1.8 again not sure.

    Also I think those Rabbits / Bunnies in the corner were already breeding
    without the carrots :P :D

  2. Aidan Strong Says:

    Can anyone explain why i get a Massive FPS Decrese in 1.8 compared to 1.7?
    i get about 50FPS in 1.7, but now around 15FPS in 1.8???

    Edit: Also, i get around 2FPS when i open the creative Inventory??? It’s
    basically making not want to play in 1.8…

  3. Its2No2Name Says:

    It is impossible to make a three minute video about a full update. You only
    did a latest prerelease to the release preview lol.

  4. The Man Says:

    sorry but can you try to make a oak fence I cant make it in minecraft is
    that just me or ? plz help {sorry for bad english XD }

  5. RadialPilot Says:

    Can you still make campfires with armour stands?

  6. Yash Patankar Says:


  7. xisumavoid Says:

    Minecraft 1.8 is out! Time to enjoy :-) Here’s a video covering the last
    few changes

  8. Aizhen1seven Says:

    Xisuma can you do a video of how to craft all the new items in 1.8. Or
    does anyone know where you can go to look up that kind of stuff?

  9. Tango Tek Says:

    The Killer Bunny’s eyes look like mine ;-) Coincidence?

  10. LapisDemon Says:

    lol 1:58 }xD


  11. anExplodingLemon Says:

    I really miss the fact u could tame bunnies. Minecraft needed more pet
    options :( I just love taming stuff haha 

  12. RonnygoBOOM Says:

    AMAZING! Finally! I know many of the changes pertain to creative mode, but
    here are the top 14 as they pertain to FACTIONS. I will make a vid on it
    1. Some Rabbits can be used as player detectors.
    2. Slime blocks add new tnt missiles, bouncy tnt and arrow shooters, mob
    shooters, sand shooters (into faction land), minecart bouncers, piston
    machines (notably some new trap designs, easier wide doorways of 3×3 or
    more, and infinitely expandable fall traps)
    3. New block types for pretty new faction bases
    4. Easier enchanting for getting desirable enchants, but now they require
    lapis, and exp is acquired more slowly. Also level 30 enchants only use a
    max of 3 levels, so if you are level 39 you can enchant 3 items Fully!
    5. 3 new stone types for building
    6. New banners will allow you to create faction insignias (and you might be
    able to wear them around on some servers, identifying yourself as part of a
    faction on your character).
    7. Thanks to guardians, raw fish are auto-farmable. (great to trade with
    8. New Villager trades and actions!- villagers now sell enchanted diamond
    gear with REALLY good enchants. Also, Farmer villagers can be used to
    autofarm some crops like wheat for you (100% fully automatic).
    9. Rendering is much faster, improving performance on most player’s
    computers (which will help everyone to reduce pvp lag! Whoot!)
    10. Life bar has a new animation to show how many hearts you have lost.
    11. Item frames trigger redstone with comparators
    12. Activator rails kick mobs and players out of a minecart (Think Traps!
    13. Tamed wolves attack skeletons without provocation (think afk Taming
    14.TONS MORE!

  13. Yito Ekwek Says:

    WOW. xisuma is pretty active today in the comments!

  14. Zakywak Says:

    Gotta love Xisuma!

  15. Sol Ritzow Says:

    IS NOT MEANT TO BE A FEATURE ADDING UPDATE. If you have framerate issues…
    you are not alone. From my understanding they redid the rendering engine.
    It was supposed to provide optimization which it has done in certain places
    but it causes increased lag in other places. There also ma or may not still
    be a problem with block placement/destruction and huge client-server (the
    local server for single-player) lag.

  16. King Yoshi Says:

    Will there still be a Hermitcraft episode today?

  17. jordan preece Says:

    What ever happened to the respawn network I can’t connect

  18. Roland Scarecrow Says:

    great now release hermitcraft :P

  19. Gerstensaft Says:

    Yes! Big-flower duplicating is still in the game O.o

  20. Mewcancraft Says:

    Umm couldn’t you already leash them before? Etho has a let’s play episode
    where he made a bunny farm where they actually could be leashed, and he
    made that episode quite a while ago.

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