Minecraft 1.8 Snapshot 14w10a “Running Bones” with Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Minecraft 1.8 Snapshot 14w10a Test drive of Minecraft 1.8 Snapshot 14w10a including skeletons running away from wolves! Q: Why did the wolf chase the skeleton? A: Because of made of Dinne…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Mar 7th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft 1.8 Snapshot 14w10a “Running Bones” with Arnold Schwarzenegger!”

  1. bubzthetroll Says:

    Hmm, I wonder if you could make a dog racing track like docm did with the
    chicken jockey.

  2. Nicole Tomaszewski Says:


  3. TheBenEEeee Says:

    Running Man > Hunger Games
    True story.

  4. Joseph Fryman Says:

    Loved the video Paul….

  5. ThomasGrillo Says:

    This was awesome! So now we have another great reason to get hold of dogs.

  6. Jordan Reilly Says:

    That will make more possibilities for mini games or adventure maps! :D

  7. KothsGamerHub Says:


  8. Brandon Radai Says:

    2:19 lol.

  9. George Watkins Says:

    I see some potential problems in this. Traveling at night with dogs would
    be a real pain.

  10. CusterDawg Says:

    What Paul, no Buzzsaw as a “stalker”? :P 5 wolves woulda been a bit much

  11. DuelScreen Says:

    Great video Paul!

  12. Mrcreapycreaper PVP Says:

    YEY the 1 thing I like that’s going to be added in 1.8 the rest suck

  13. paulsoaresjr Says:

    “Why did the wolf chase the skeleton?”
    “Because he was made of Dinner Bone!”

  14. CKS Richardson Says:

    I was expecting a spot of Climbing for Dollars when I saw all those dogs,
    then I spotted Capt. Freedom and couldn’t stop laughing. Awesome video
    Paul. :)

  15. Sam Applegarth Says:

    i love the running man 

  16. Emma Montgomery Says:

    Perfect way to end my birthday Paul. Thanks!

  17. 99%Awesome Says:

    Hey paul, you are one of the few big youtubers that actually read the
    Anyway I wanted to know which program you use to record\edit your videos,
    please reply – thank you !

  18. Verruckter Schakal Says:

    We need Baby Skeletons!

  19. williamTV100 Says:

    who here still remembers 12w01a

  20. Darkraidermoon Says:

    YES this makes skeleton a little less OP and less people die to them

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