Minecraft 1.8: Mini Me’s (They Follow You!)

Minecraft 1.8: Mini Me's (They Follow You!)Showcase Playlist â-» https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKgxIAR0_8td4Bzb0uU7h8tp Thats right! This video will show you the mini me’s created by Eease that will follow you around…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Aug 11th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft 1.8: Mini Me’s (They Follow You!)”

  1. SimplySarc Says:

    These little rascals are just the best

  2. Léo ARMAND Says:

    How can you see UUID in chat please? It’s not working for me. :(

  3. docm77 Says:

    Lol, we have a heard of them chasing me around. We got something coming
    with em too, you will like it;-) 

  4. Sl1pg8r - Minecraft, Mods, and MOAR! Says:


  5. TheJessassin Says:

    Oh my GOD! This is AMAZING!

  6. NiceMarkMC Says:

    Haha, awesome!

  7. Turtle Says:

    “I can take off your clothes! Thats terrible!” Some people might disagree

  8. Squirtdude Says:

    This is incredible, Nice work X&E! 

  9. OrieZZ Says:

    Why aren’t they just riding the wolves?
    I think that would be a lot simpler and also put a lot less stress your pc
    since it wouldn’t have to teleport 20/sec.

  10. Alex Serban Says:

    Basically a mini-me is your “best friend”. Your “best friend” is an armor
    stand. That’s good to know.

  11. OliverVsCreeper Says:

    That olivervscreeper guy seems real cool…

  12. DeltaGamer Says:

    Hello, I tried doing this, but the wolf stays sitting down

  13. Pecola1FromScratch Says:

    Can you leave something in the description explaining a way of how to get
    your own color on the leather? I have the color code (#F27FA5 – just pink
    dye added) but obviously thats not what I need for the color tag. (Right?)

  14. Jonas Rains Says:

    Do you have to rename it “mini”

  15. Chris³ Says:

    So cool! Reminds me of “Open Blocks” ones.

  16. Kuře Kuřecí Says:

    How to make it in multiplayer, i cant make 2 armor stands /tp to 2 diferend
    wolfs …

  17. modellking Says:

    Couldn’t you make them ride the wolf? you wouldn’t need the clock then…

  18. KurtDaBoss Says:

    Wait this is not working, Guys i need your help.I did the command and the
    wolfs name doesn’t appear but it is there and my mini me just stays
    there… Help!?!?!?!?

  19. Pecola1FromScratch Says:

    Instead of using the command to spawn the wolf, you can spawn a untamed
    wolf with the name “Mini (name)” (Or simply name a spawn egg) Then drop an
    invis potion on the wolf, hand your mini character a diamond sword, and
    spawn a few sheep. Ahhh, mutton tastes so good.

  20. xisumavoid Says:

    Minecraft Invention: Mini Me’s that follow you around! :-D @EeaseMaps

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