Mindcrack S4E50 “Hero Pig!” (Let’s Play Minecraft Survival Multiplayer!)

Mindcrack S4E50 Minecraft survival multiplayer in UHC mode! In this episode, we finally recognize Hero Pig for his steadfast service and later finish up (98.6%, anyway!) the…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Dec 14th, 2013

20 Responses to “Mindcrack S4E50 “Hero Pig!” (Let’s Play Minecraft Survival Multiplayer!)”

  1. The Adventure Guy Husin Says:

    More Puch Wood Famly Or Island More More MORE AHHH

  2. ImmortalMcCat Says:


  3. GrandCanyon1999 Says:

    Paul, I really look up to you. not just as a youtuber, but as a person. you
    always keep your composure and never resort to ‘bad behavior’. I am proud
    to say I am subscribed to Paulsoaresjr

  4. TheBugmania Says:

    And how crazy much it is for ice time….

  5. Tom Wearne Says:


  6. CocoMountainMC Says:

    Mr. Paulsoaresjr I see you hit done on the sign if you think it takes some
    time you can always hit esc key just so you know it makes it fast to exit a
    sign than hitting done 

  7. TheRecreator Says:

    I know where Herobrine came from! Hero Pig died and was brined. Hence

  8. Julene Ngew Says:

    There’s construction going on here where I live too and it just so happens
    that I’m watching this when it’s still going on so when you said “can you
    hear it?” I’m just here like oh yup I hear it alright 

  9. Josh Smith Says:

    where dose your son play soccer (what is the name of the place please

  10. Adam Wittenberg Says:

    You could always find pumpkins in the wild….and then make them into seeds
    as of the 1.8 update or later.

  11. knus1959 Says:

    Hi Paul :) You can make the mob spawner with a block + trap doors or iron
    fences on. :) 

  12. Daan Slagter Says:

    How did you get your tree house made

  13. Narky Clarky Says:

    Paul Anderz left the eggs when he was at your place. He was doing a server
    tour and saw eggs in your chicken enclosure, so he picked them up and left
    them in a chest for you. :D

  14. Henry Holtkamp Says:

    i haven’t had school in a LONG TIME, ehhh, about uhh 9 days and counting

  15. Carver Hoovy Says:

    Please do more punchwood island please

  16. Jbod Says:

    maybe talk about how rare strong holds are, i think only 3 generate in a mc
    world, thats a cool fact!

  17. _Icarus1_ Says:

    You should add a living exhibit at the museum…trap all the mobs in a
    glass casing and have them named so they dont de-spawn…think that would
    be cool…you can also trap Endermen in a minecart and have it displayed

  18. EliyaNef Says:

    Didn’t you already name Hero Pig? I swear that this whole episode happened
    before. man, what a Deja vu…

  19. Tessa Hughes Says:

    I pulled both my shoulder muscles today!

  20. Kami D Says:

    My dog passed away yesterday :( we had him for 7 years

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