Let’s Play Starbound [Ep 6] “Clyde’s Sloppy Whacker!” (Starbound Gameplay / Playthrough)

Let's Play Starbound [Ep 6] Let’s play Starbound, the galactic sandbox of exploration and adventure! In this episode, Capt. Clyde plays with his shiny new Sloppy Whacker! (it’s a sword)…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Dec 14th, 2013

20 Responses to “Let’s Play Starbound [Ep 6] “Clyde’s Sloppy Whacker!” (Starbound Gameplay / Playthrough)”

  1. Lauryn A Says:

    At 2:26 I thought I could faintly hear someone eating something in
    Minecraft. Must have been my imagination.

  2. RicotheSlimeMC Says:

    When will you do the distress beacon?!

  3. nick mcclure Says:

    Paul you should try league of legends

  4. Echax Says:


  5. Hamji TnL Says:

    paul you’re not ready for the distres becon, trust me i speak from

  6. [ZAP]Llegacy Says:

    where can u get banana seeds? i wanna make banana bread or do u have to be
    an apex to make banana bread?

  7. iCarterMiniplanet Says:

    Love ya Paul :) Keep on the great work!! :D

  8. paulsoaresjr Says:
  9. Donutgames00 Says:

    Paul, torches and furnaces give heat like campfires, 

  10. ZombieHD Says:

    first :D

  11. DancesWithRobots Says:

    Something I noticed about Starbound vs Minecraft. In the Minecraft vids,
    things get accomplished very quickly. A typical vid sets out to build a
    structure, or demonstrate a technology tree, and it gets done in the space
    of a twenty minute video. These just seem to be a lot of running and
    jumping and fighting with not much to show for it.

  12. CheeseCowLPs Says:


  13. thecraftyhome Says:

    The names of things cracks me up. Great intro by the way. This is the
    perfect game for you, adventure and lots of role playing opportunities.

  14. cher roamer Says:

    Paul is starbound going to be multi player, if not will it become multi
    player later

  15. Gubudugu Says:

    yeah paul, basically you need to dig to reach the next layer of underground
    where the cool things are.
    I find this a flaw in the game, and sure hope you could find a big cave
    that goes underground, it’s not the case yet

  16. Ziv Hanok Says:

    MindCrack plz!!

  17. Donutgames00 Says:

    O, and the hunting knife acts like the hunting bow but at close range

  18. thecraftyhome Says:

    My hubby was into learning more about this game at first and I wasn’t
    interested because other than Minecraft I am not a big gamer. But after
    watching your episodes I do believe we will all be getting copies including
    the kids. :-) 

  19. Seraphyx Says:

    I know this might be terrible but, I could not stop laughing at the title
    of this episode… And I still can’t stop.

  20. Conrad King Says:

    Thanks Paul. 

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