Let’s Play Starbound [Ep 22] “Captain Duck Rogers!” (Gameplay / Playthrough)

Let's Play Starbound [Ep 22] Let’s play Starbound! In this episode, we learn the fate of Captain Clyde–secret agent of the Miniknog–and meet a new Captain of the Stars: DUCK ROGERS! Of…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Feb 1st, 2014

20 Responses to “Let’s Play Starbound [Ep 22] “Captain Duck Rogers!” (Gameplay / Playthrough)”

  1. Victor ADĂSCĂLIȚEI Says:

    Duck Dogers (aka Daffy Duck) lives on! Ohhh please make him the (porky)
    Cadet! :D That would be sooo funny!

  2. dentomen333 Says:


  3. DrAnvilplays Says:

    when i saw “Duck Rogers” i thought “Duck Dodgers” :P

  4. Cropod Says:

    I’m really loving this series Paul, can’t wait until Ep23! :)

  5. spumwack Says:

    Fellow Apex! I will find and save you! Even if it takes all of eternity!

  6. Limeni92 Says:


  7. JvoCraft Says:

    “Ooo Banana.”-Donkey Kong 64

  8. TheGamePlayer325 Says:

    Press the arrow keys to make facial expressions with your characters in
    Starbound, Paul. :) Maybe you could make an expression when you get sad or
    happy or something. It’s pretty cool stuff!

  9. LeviathanLegendaryC Says:

    This sort of universe reminds me a a fairly forgotten and under rated show
    called Shadow Raiders.

    Look up the intro- it’s a pretty rocking tune

  10. Cleaver SlipsGames Says:

    Very much looking forward to multiplayer videos! Wish I could be involved!
    Most jealous.

  11. Gubudugu Says:

    nice that you invited hermitcrafters, there are many cool people there

  12. Accrsd Says:

    Duck Doge…. err i mean DUCK ROGERS in the 23rd and a half CENTURY!

  13. Biffa2001 Says:

    Can’t wait to jump on and join Duck Rogers! :-)

  14. Kage848 Says:

    My god this game is good. XD

  15. Michael Shilmar Says:

    I thought duck Rogers was a reference to duck dodgers from loony tunes

  16. Kadinz Says:

    *Gasp* what If Kluex is an evil mastermind who has been plotting to take
    over the universe for millenias and he is Big Ape; he created the chemical
    that devolves Apex so he could control them easier and he made Glitch to
    simulate humans so he knows how to control them, What if he is also Jesus
    and whatever the Hylotl god is… Mind Blown

  17. paulsoaresjr Says:


  18. Chance Barker Says:

    Paul you had every chance to use my redmond “herring” james idea.
    Earth-clan raised Avian. Raised in the slums of the metropolitan he turned
    to crime. His first theft was at 15 and has been growing ever since. He
    recently raised to the head pf his own pilot fleet. Hearing word of a
    heavily guarded cargo ship his mind went blank with the thoughts of
    valuable plunder. The defenses of the ship were to strong though destroying
    his ship. The notorious Captain Bluetail was waiting for them. His ship
    being destroyed he had to abandon his crew hijacking an Avian nobles ship.
    He ran out of fuel and had to lay low on a planets surface. You can go
    where ever you want from there. I went with the years of solitude,suffers
    amnesia, finds Avian village, leads village guard and settles down.

  19. ceoadmiral Says:

    “I like the yellow, cause it’s like a duck.” I don’t know why, but I lost

  20. paulsoaresjr Says:

    Who said: “Get your paws off me, you da&% dirty ape!” 

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