How Does Lightning Affect Mobs? [Minecraft Myth Busting 51]

How Does Lightning Affect Mobs? [Minecraft Myth Busting 51]Minecraft Myth Busting Playlist â-» This episode we make the use of a mod to strike li…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Apr 7th, 2014

20 Responses to “How Does Lightning Affect Mobs? [Minecraft Myth Busting 51]”

  1. Ins0mn3sia Says:

    somewhat related to this video…perhaps you could do a video on how
    lightning would affect players and how different types of armour affect
    damage taken from the lightning and how much damage the armour takes upon
    being struck by the lightning

    hope that makes sense :P

  2. Ryguyrules147 Says:

    Does Lightning destroy Nether Stars (because they are blast resistant)?

  3. Rory McDonald Says:

    Wow I saw SIM CITY and game dev in the recomended videos. That was so long
    ago… Other games were so long ago… Have you considered making a
    seperate channel?

  4. frognik79 Says:

    What about spider jockeys?
    Just out of curiosity what if you spawned in a creeper or pig riding
    another mob or the other way around and struck them with lightning?
    Perhaps a creeper riding a pig?
    Will the creeper and pig change if riding a minecart?
    If you’ve gone through the code then how does lightning work in relation to
    player location?
    Whats the chance of a lightning strike occurring during a storm?
    Whats the chance of a player being struck by lightning?

  5. TheRonanT Says:

    Hey Xisuma, I was wondering if hunger depletes quicker if you have to heal
    up as well. Do you think you could do an episode where you look into hunger
    or maybe put in into a mini-myths episode?

  6. TheXurol Says:

    What’s the music? It’s not currently in the description.

  7. EliyaNef Says:

    Before I watch the video – the lightning’s only going to change the
    villager, the creeper and the pig, right? (and because the lightning is
    pretty much the same as stepping on a fire block, I would say that all
    nether mobs will be immune :)

  8. M0diiDoc Says:

    As witches uses fire resistance potion and becomes immune to lightning, it
    comes out, that you use fire resistance potion and you are immune to
    lightning? :p

  9. Desert Foxchild Says:

    It would be neat if lightning striking a sheep turned it into a black

  10. NTBBPG Says:

    This is cool. Another myth I wonder if mobs from a mob spawner get harder,
    more armor, as you use it more.

  11. Michael Myers Says:

    where you on the server reborncraft if you were my user is mrsurrett 

  12. Elliot Cartlidge Says:

    Electro music for the timelapse, a hidden pun ;)

  13. dro Says:

    I knew about the charged creepers and the pigs, but I didn’t know that the
    pigmen resulting from that don’t carry swords. I also didn’t know about the
    witches, although when you think about it, it is quite obvious that they
    drink their fire resistance potions.
    I still have a question though: Do witches drink potions when they are
    outside of the range where mobs can move? That is further than … 32
    blocks away, I guess?

  14. tggt00 Says:

    I was the guy who suggested in the last video that you can use mods to
    strike lighting on a mob!
    btw you could use an existing mod, but I know you want it to be as true as

  15. James Nitrox Says:

    Thanks for your testing and all your hard work in making these videos. As
    well as your helpers (woop go Tango XD) 

  16. MinecraftByDa Says:

    It would be cool if normal horses would change to undead horses if hit by
    lightning! That should be in the next sanpshot.

  17. iSuchtel Says:

    Hey Xisuma, do Trees grow faster if its raining? It felt like it to me
    right now that they do, maybe you can proof it/proof me wrong?

  18. BronyBlastify Says:

    [SUG] What can silk touch pick up and what can’t it pick up?

  19. Alex Dixon Says:

    I didn’t realise witches were that smart! Might be nice AI for the mobs if
    they ran to the nearest water when they were set on fire.

  20. Luis23TV Says:

    Thanks xisuma, this is really awesome!

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