Hermitcraft UHC V 06 Fours A Crowd (60FPS)

Hermitcraft UHC V 06 Fours A Crowd (60FPS)Hermitcraft UHC is back and in this season we are playing in two big teams! However we will be separated, players have to find their teammates. UHC BOX http://uhc.xisumavoid.com My Teammates…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Nov 18th, 2014

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft UHC V 06 Fours A Crowd (60FPS)”

  1. Darkion Says:

    Xisuma be like: “lets be aggressive”. And then he spend 5 minutes watching
    the enemy.

  2. McSquizzyGames&Video's Says:

    I have a strange feeling that in real life you look like VanossGaming… XD

  3. Deddozo Says:

    I liked watching builders and redstoners pvp and xisuma you weren’t half
    bad :)

  4. iAOM P Says:

    xisumavoid been so funny lately he said something cracking people up
    including me

  5. FalseSymmetry Says:

    That was super intense – Glad you went with the ‘aggressive’ tactic you
    mentioned X… lol ;)

  6. Aidan Strong Says:

    xisumavoid, I have a great idea for next season. you know how you were
    saying using mods will be cool, what about the lucky block mod? it uses 8
    gold to craft it – the same as an Apple, and the outcomes can be a game
    winner, or death. plz read this, and thank you if you take this into
    consideration. :)

  7. Oliver Hart Says:

    I think using that mumble plugin, I think that’s what it’s called, would be
    good for this. Like in SOF with mindcrack and pungy and keralis and such.
    Also, the vampire-like rule from last season would be great to do again,
    but instead of getting full hearts, you get regen. 2 for 10 seconds or
    something, to make it less OP. Also, a super fast UHC where the border
    moves to 150 in 4 episodes or something, so it’s a rush, so there’s less
    chance you’ll be decked with epic stuff. Not that that’s bad, it makes for
    a great fight, but sometimes it takes too long. Great end to the series,
    and THANK YOU for not ending the episode. What a cliffhanger that would be!

  8. Chuck Norris Says:

    minecraft pvp sucks

  9. João Salles Says:

    Guys, do the next season on the Amplified terrain

  10. Ana Margarida Modesto Says:

    HAHAHAH keralis killed you, too funny! But gg! I knew the red team would
    win anyways

  11. xisumavoid Says:
  12. Gulls Says:

    As for feedback on the season, I liked the concept of finding your team but
    there should’ve be an in-game reward for completing your team.

    Maybe something like you can’t craft an Enchantment Table or Anvil but
    completing your team would allow you to be given one. In this case for
    example 3 together could give you a table and 4 or 5 would give you the
    Anvil (meaning you could still get it without the starting full team but
    ONLY if one died beforehand and the 4 met up and indeed meaning you
    couldn’t get the second stage if 2 died beforehand).

    EDIT: Actually after thinking about it after posting that would be
    backwards. Would make more sense for the first level to give the Anvil and
    the second the Table. That way if the required number for the second was
    never met you’d still have Enchantment possibility, you’d just have to get
    lucky enough to find one on a book in a dungeon etc. but you wouldn’t be
    anywhere near full power even so as a result of not finding your team.
    Anyway back to your regularly scheduled post…

    Kinda sucked that Sl1p and False never met up with their teams and were
    essentially forced to go it solo and something like that would’ve provided
    incentive to find your team lest you be at a disadvantage.

    Being able to get all of it with only the normal in-game requirements only
    meant you (rightly, really) stayed down below to get them and anyone on the
    surface looking couldn’t find their team.

  13. Keralis Says:

    I won! <3

  14. Jacky Chan Says:

    and the forth of the five win in UHC for X

  15. Savcool11 Says:

    I think making 2 teams split up really made the series more interesting, it
    gave it a nice twist.

    A suggestion for next time, amplified terrain or modsauce UHC :)

    PS 5 times winner, GG :D 

  16. Jamie Clark Says:

    Next season maybe have a beacon at spawn to promote people to go to 0,0

  17. Ansariz Bros Says:

    wat software do u use to record n edit

  18. pokeperson1000 Says:

    Nice ending.

    what twists will be in store for future UHC? could there possible be the
    addition of mods?

    i mean, i think the morph mod would add a nice twist.

  19. Fennoman Says:

    That was awesum! GG everyone, can’t wait for next UHC :-)

  20. KingDaddyDMAC Says:

    holy cow that was intense! 

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